Contact.EmailAddress > x50 characters?


We have some customers with email addresses longer than the default 50 character limit in the customer entry > contacts tab

How can we increase the field character limit?

I have added a custom text field but once I bind it to contact.EmailAddress it still forces a 50 character limit which I can’t edit?

Unless things have changed recently, changing the format of a native field is not something that can be done.
If I were you, I would create a new UD field that has the proper length and change the UI to use that field instead.

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Wow, had no idea Ice.SysUserFile is using the ‘summary’ default for size. Can you please log that as a new ticket?

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Have you tried changing the format in Extended Properties? We’ve been able to make integers longer with this setting although I believe since this field is nvarchar(50) in the DB you may need to take a look at using another field.