Connecting Egnyte for Epicor Kenitic Attachment Type

I am new to Epicor and to EPIUsers. We are migrating our current ERP solution to Epicor and go live soon. I have one problem I am trying to resolve and hope your experience can assist me. We attach 3D files to our orders and our consultant is telling us that we need to provide Attachment Type Storage for this. I am trying to move away from onsite servers. and I see that Epicor has builtin in settings for Sharepoint, Drop Box, and Google Drive. I wanted to use Egnyte for this but cannot find any information on it. Has anyone tried this before? if so how did you get it to work or not?


I don’t know if there is anything pre-built for that, but if not, you could probably intercept the calls for the sharepoint connector (possibly others) and redirect them to Egnyte.

You’ll need some programming experience.

Hopefully someone has a better answer.

The LINK storage type just accepts a URL to the document. You could put that in the document reference and then it’s a click away. I’ve used this for SharePoint permalinks and other web resources. If you don’t mind getting bumped out to the browser (new tab or window, don’t recall at the moment) then this may work for you.

Some more digging on my side.

Egnyte has a Storage Sync server that is a glorified SAMBA server. is it possible to set up Attachment Type to speak to a SAMBA server?

Surely they have an API?

That is also the Link type, which you would enter as \\egnyteservername\share\…

However, UNC paths do not work in browsers, so I would not recommend using SAMBA or Windows shares.

One would create an Engyte share link and use that. The point of Egnyte is to be a secure cloud sharing service (we use it in HR here) so that would be preferred way of linking to documents.