Configurators - Mass Export and Import of rebuilt Configurators


We recently migrated our Epicor 9.05 Progress database to ERP10.1.500 and are working on rebuilding our Configurators. We are using the Standard Import/Export Configuration process in Configurator Entry to save and bring our rebuilt Configurators into newly migrated DBs.

We currently have so many Configurators (100+) that I would like to try to find a way to be able to, at the very least, mass Import them into the database for when we Go Live.

Has anyone used the Solution Workbench to Export/Import Configurators and if so, can I cheat (without setting up Tracking on my end) and ask you what sorts of Elements you have setup for the Configurators? Does Solution Workbench even seem to be a good choice to mass Export/Import Configurators? Would tracking a rebuilt Configurator give me all of the Element info that I would need?

I haven’t really looked into this, nor thought it through just yet, but is it possible to use the DMT to mass Import the rebuilt Configurators somehow? Any sort of template(s) floating around out there that would help with this?

Worst case scenario - which of course I am trying to avoid - would be to import each Configurator one at a time into our Final LIVE ERP10.1 DB. :sweat:

Just wondering if anyone could share some thoughts on the possibility of mass Importing our rebuilt Configurators?

Thanks so much!

Heather - we’re about to be trying the same thing - not as many CFGs as you, but same problem. I’ll try and let you know if we come up with an easy way if you’ll do the same :slight_smile: ?

To my knowledge, the Solution Mgmt tools do NOT include configurators. So I’ve been looking into DMT, but it will only do a portion of it. In our case, we reduced the number of configurators in the progress -> C# rewrite (and orphaning a lot of PCINVAL data). We’ve tried the Export/IMport scenario from 10.1.400 to 10.1.500 and it seems to work just fine.

If I had to suggest a course of action - I would start exporting them! It seems the only singular process to do what we need.

Good Luck!

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Solution workbench won’t help here and DMT doesn’t do this today.

I will look at some options and post back.

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Exporting/Importing the XML is going to a part of any configurator migration/upgrade. Automating the export/import will save a little time, but I’ve found most of the time spent migrating a configurator is ensuring the BOM/Parts exist properly and any UD Tables/fields/Lookup Tables/BPM’s are accurate.

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Hi Mike!

Thanks so much for the feedback and thoughts! :smiley: I will definitely do the same and share with you any easy way that I hear about or find to mass export and import the Configurators into ERP10! :wink::+1:

I’d like to try turning on the Solution Tracking for our Configurator guru the next time she goes to rebuild a Configurator in ERP10 and then I was hoping the resulting trace would show me all of the Elements I would need to add to a New SolutionType and ultimately into a Solution package that would capture all of the rebuilt Configurators such that I could export and import them ALL at once. Just something I would like to try and I’ll let you know if I have any luck or if it fails miserably. heh…

It is good to know that I shouldn’t waste much time using the DMT since you tried it but it was only partially successful. I wish I knew more about the Configurators to help them with the rebuilds and try to find ways to reduce the number that we have but I’m just not sure that is possible for us right now.

But in the meantime, we will definitely just start exporting them one-by-one for now and will continue to import them one-by-one until another solution is presented to us. :sweat:

Good luck to you too!
Thanks again and I’ll update this thread with any new discoveries that I run into that might help make this process easier!

Great, that would be much appreciated! Thank you!!!
(So even setting up Solution Tracking on the user as they do a rebuild of a Configurator wouldn’t give me the elements I would need to grab in order to export and import all of the Configurators at once through a Solution Package? (Still trying to wrap my head around and understand these Elements…and just thinking out loud without actually testing this out…)

Sure, that makes perfect sense. We definitely are making sure all of those parts are working as well. I’m just trying to keep my migration/upgrade times down as much as possible so we can hopefully do our upgrade to ERP10 over a 2 or 3 day weekend. Thanks so much for the response! Appreciate it!