Configurator Query Lookup Tables more efficiently? Possibilities? Failures

Looking to convert this Query to LINQ (no experience with this yet this will be my first time touching it):

SQL Query
/******  Lookup Option(s) For Trailer  ******/ 

DECLARE @CompanyID nvarchar(6), @LookupTblID nvarchar(50), @MYPrefix nvarchar(3), @TableName nvarchar(47), @bDefaults bit;

SET @CompanyID = 'EZCUST';
SET @MYPrefix = '21-';
SET @bDefaults = 0;  /* Only Defaults = 1 */
SET @TableName = '';
SET @LookupTblID = @MYPrefix+ ( CASE @TableName WHEN '' THEN '%' ELSE @TableName END );

 /******  Lookup Default Option(s) For Trailer  ******/ 
Select  t1.[Trailer]
	, t1.[Default]
	, t1.[OptionDesc]
	, t1.[OptionPart]
	, t1.[OptionPrice]
	, t1.[OptionWeight]
	, t1.[OptionInst]
	, t1.[OptionDwg]
	, t1.[LookupTblID]
		 Min(CASE [ColName] WHEN 'Trailer' Then [DataValue] End) [Trailer]
		,Min(CASE [ColName] WHEN 'Default' Then [DataValue] End) [Default]
		,Min(CASE [ColName] WHEN 'OptionDesc' Then [DataValue] End) [OptionDesc]
		,Min(CASE [ColName] WHEN 'OptionPart' Then [DataValue] End) [OptionPart]
		,Min(CASE [ColName] WHEN 'OptionPrice' Then [DataValue] End) [OptionPrice]
		,Min(CASE [ColName] WHEN 'OptionWeight' Then [DataValue] End) [OptionWeight]
		,Min(CASE [ColName] WHEN 'OptionDwg' Then [DataValue] End) [OptionDwg]
		,Min(CASE [ColName] WHEN 'OptionInst' Then [DataValue] End) [OptionInst]
	FROM [EpicorERPTest].[Erp].[PcLookupTblValues]
	WHERE [Company]=@CompanyID
		AND [LookupTblID] LIKE @LookupTblID
	Group By [Company], [LookupTblID], [RowNum]
	) t1
	( [Default] = 'True' )
	( @bDefaults = 0 AND [Default] = 'False' )
Order By [LookupTblID], [Trailer], [Default], [OptionPart]

The UD Method (equivalent) I’m attempting to replace (seems inefficient to me):

var data = (
  from t in Db.PcLookupTblValues
  join d in Db.PcLookupTblValues
    on new {t.Company, t.RowNum, t.LookupTblID}
    equals new {d.Company, d.RowNum, d.LookupTblID}
  join o in Db.PcLookupTblValues
    on new {t.Company, t.RowNum, t.LookupTblID}
    equals new {o.Company, o.RowNum, o.LookupTblID}
  join r in Db.PcLookupTblValues
    on new {t.Company, t.RowNum, t.LookupTblID}
    equals new {r.Company, r.RowNum, r.LookupTblID}
  join p in Db.PcLookupTblValues 
    on new {t.Company, t.RowNum, t.LookupTblID}
    equals new {p.Company, p.RowNum, p.LookupTblID}
  join w in Db.PcLookupTblValues 
    on new {t.Company, t.RowNum, t.LookupTblID}
    equals new {w.Company, w.RowNum, w.LookupTblID}
  join i in Db.PcLookupTblValues 
    on new {t.Company, t.RowNum, t.LookupTblID}
    equals new {i.Company, i.RowNum, i.LookupTblID}
  join g in Db.PcLookupTblValues 
    on new {t.Company, t.RowNum, t.LookupTblID}
    equals new {g.Company, g.RowNum, g.LookupTblID}
  where t.LookupTblID == MYPrefix + TableName
     && t.ColName == "Trailer"
     && t.DataValue == KNumber
     && d.ColName   == "Default"
     && d.DataValue == "TRUE"
     && o.ColName == "OptionDesc"
     && r.ColName == "OptionPart"
     && p.ColName == "OptionPrice"
     && w.ColName == "OptionWeight"
     && i.ColName == "OptionInst"
     && g.ColName == "OptionDwg"
//  orderby t.RowNum
  select new {Desc = o.DataValue
           , Part  = r.DataValue
           , Price = p.DataValue
           , Weight= w.DataValue
           , Inst  = i.DataValue ?? ""
           , Dwg   = g.DataValue ?? ""

My attempt at evading LINQ based on: Raw SQL Queries

Entity Framework : Raw SQL Queries
var data = Context.Database.SqlQuery<string>(
" /******  Lookup Default Option(s) For Trailer  ******/ " +
" SELECT " +
"	 Min(CASE [ColName] WHEN 'Trailer' Then DataValue End) Trailer " +
"	,Min(CASE [ColName] WHEN 'Default' Then DataValue End) [Default] " +
"	,Min(CASE [ColName] WHEN 'OptionPart' Then DataValue End) OptionPart " +
"	,Min(CASE [ColName] WHEN 'OptionDesc' Then DataValue End) OptionDesc " +
"	,Min(CASE [ColName] WHEN 'OptionPrice' Then DataValue End) OptionPrice " +
"	,Min(CASE [ColName] WHEN 'OptionWeight' Then DataValue End) OptionWeight " +
"	,Min(CASE [ColName] WHEN 'OptionDwg' Then DataValue End) OptionDwg " +
"	,Min(CASE [ColName] WHEN 'OptionInst' Then DataValue End) OptionInst " +
"	,[RowNum] " +
"	,[LookupTblID] " +
"	,[Company] " +
" FROM [PcLookupTblValues] " +
" WHERE Company='" + Context.CompanyID + "' " +
"	AND LookupTblID = '" + MYPrefix + TableName + "'" +
"	AND Trailer = '" + KNumber + "' " +
" AND [Default] = true " +
" Group By Company, LookupTblID, RowNum ").ToList();

Yes, here is one example of code that returns a list of valid answers to populate a combo box… this code allows changing of the column names in the linq query. Note that becuase the lookup table is not a traditional table, you must join each separate column.

/*ComboQuestionLookup4Filters - will examine the lookup table, find all the options for the defined question, and pass back the value and description of the option for use in a combo box.*/
	the basic format if the lookup table should be these columns (order of these fields does not need to be this order, but this is nice)
		Question column		- This is the question id.. this groups all available answers for the question
		Answer column		- this is the RESULT that you want to be returned into the "Value" of the combo
		Description column	- this is the description that will be displayed in the combo box
		Sort Column			- this sorts the answers in the order that you specify
		Filter1 Column		- comma delimited field that holds items to be filtered on... This allows the list to be further filtered by options available for the question/model
		Filter2 Column		- comma delimited field that holds items to be filtered on... This allows the list to be further filtered by options available for the question/model
		Filter3 Column		- comma delimited field that holds items to be filtered on... This allows the list to be further filtered by options available for the question/model
		Filter4 Column		- comma delimited field that holds items to be filtered on... This allows the list to be further filtered by options available for the question/model

	There are three parameters that are passed to this:
		LookupTblID - this is which lookup table should be used... this allows for the lookup table to be dynamic in the configurator
		Question - this is the "question" value that will be found in the QuestionCol column that is in the lookup table
		Filter1 - this is the value of the filter1. IF this is blank, then it is ignored. If it is NOT blank, then it will search in the filter1 column using "Contains" feature
		Filter2 - this is the value of the filter2. IF this is blank, then it is ignored. If it is NOT blank, then it will search in the filter2 column using "Contains" feature
		Filter3 - this is the value of the filter3. IF this is blank, then it is ignored. If it is NOT blank, then it will search in the filter3 column using "Contains" feature
		Filter4 - this is the value of the filter4. IF this is blank, then it is ignored. If it is NOT blank, then it will search in the filter4 column using "Contains" feature

	Sample Table:
		Question	Answer	Description	Sequence	Filter1			Filter2		Filter3		Filter4
		Color		Red		Red color	B		Red				Medium		*			*
		Color		LRed	Light Red	A		Red				Light		*			*
		Color		DRed	Dark Red	C		Red				Dark		*			*
		Color		Blue	Blue color	E		Blue			Medium		*			*
		Color		LBlue	Light Blue	D		Blue			Light		*			*
		Color		DBlue	Dark Blue	F		Blue			Dark		*			*
		Color		Green	Green Color	H		Green			Regular		*			*
		Color		LGreen	Light Green	G		Green			Light		*			*
		Color		Teal	Teal		H		Blue, Green		Medium		*			*
		Color		Turq	Turquoise	I		Blue, Green		Medium		*			*
		Color		DGreen	Dark Green	J		Green			Dark		*			*
		Size		Small	< 5" long	A		*				*			*			*
		Size		Med		>=5" <10" 	B		*				*			*			*
		Size		Large	>= 10"		C		*				*			*			*

	in the above table,
		If I pass "Color" as the question and the following FILTER:
			"Dark" as a filter2, and only receive the three dark colors.
			"Red" to the filter1, and only get the red colors.
			"Red" to the filter1, and Dark to Filter2, then I would only receive the DRed - Dark Red option.
		If I pass "Size as the question, and dont pass any filter:
			receive the three sizes

	This will RETURN a value that is used by the combo field... usign Question = Color, Filter = Red, the following would be returned (sorted correctly:
		"LRed`Light Red~Red`Red Color~DRed~Dark Red"

/*Change these to the 5 Column names that are in your table.*/

string LT_QuestionCol = "QUESTION"; /*this Col is the group of options... equal to the passed ComboName from above*/
string LT_AnswerCol = "ANSWER"; /* this Col contains the actual resulting option ID*/
string LT_DescCol = "DESCRIPTION"; /* this Col contains the description of the Answer*/
string LT_SortByCol = "SEQUENCE"; /* we sort by this Col.*/
string LT_FilterCol1 = "FILTER1"; /* we will further filter by this column.*/
string LT_FilterCol2 = "FILTER2"; /* we will further filter by this column.*/
string LT_FilterCol3 = "FILTER3"; /* we will further filter by this column.*/
string LT_FilterCol4 = "FILTER4"; /* we will further filter by this column.*/

return string.Join("~", (from Ques in Db.PcLookupTblValues join Desc in Db.PcLookupTblValues on new { Ques.Company, Ques.RowNum, Ques.LookupTblID } equals new { Desc.Company, Desc.RowNum, Desc.LookupTblID } join Answ in Db.PcLookupTblValues on new { Ques.Company, Ques.RowNum, Ques.LookupTblID } equals new { Answ.Company, Answ.RowNum, Answ.LookupTblID } join Sort in Db.PcLookupTblValues on new { Ques.Company, Ques.RowNum, Ques.LookupTblID } equals new { Sort.Company, Sort.RowNum, Sort.LookupTblID } join Flt1 in Db.PcLookupTblValues on new { Ques.Company, Ques.RowNum, Ques.LookupTblID } equals new { Flt1.Company, Flt1.RowNum, Flt1.LookupTblID } join Flt2 in Db.PcLookupTblValues on new { Ques.Company, Ques.RowNum, Ques.LookupTblID } equals new { Flt2.Company, Flt2.RowNum, Flt2.LookupTblID } join Flt3 in Db.PcLookupTblValues on new { Ques.Company, Ques.RowNum, Ques.LookupTblID } equals new { Flt3.Company, Flt3.RowNum, Flt3.LookupTblID } join Flt4 in Db.PcLookupTblValues on new { Ques.Company, Ques.RowNum, Ques.LookupTblID } equals new { Flt4.Company, Flt4.RowNum, Flt4.LookupTblID } where Ques.LookupTblID == LookupTblID &&
		Ques.ColName == LT_QuestionCol && Ques.DataValue == Question &&
		Answ.ColName == LT_AnswerCol &&
		Desc.ColName == LT_DescCol &&
		Sort.ColName == LT_SortByCol &&
		Flt1.ColName == LT_FilterCol1 && (Filter1 == "" || (Flt1.DataValue.Contains(Filter1))) &&
		Flt2.ColName == LT_FilterCol2 && (Filter2 == "" || (Flt2.DataValue.Contains(Filter2))) &&
		Flt3.ColName == LT_FilterCol3 && (Filter3 == "" || (Flt3.DataValue.Contains(Filter3))) &&
		Flt4.ColName == LT_FilterCol4 && (Filter4 == "" || (Flt4.DataValue.Contains(Filter4))) orderby Sort.DataValue select new { Answer = Answ.DataValue, Description = Desc.DataValue }).ToList()
	.Select(r => string.Join("`", r.Answer, r.Description))) + "";
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Thank you Tim! Your repost of this which is almost identical led me to chase down and look for other reasons of the slowness. The UD method was querying the server even when there was no ‘Trailer’ selected which was bad logic and slowed the form considerably with all the drop-downs tied to it.!



Ha… I had a configurator I fixed just recently that would constantly query the lookup table even when the filters were not yet populated… I changed the lookup to basically return “nothing” until all the filters were valid, at which point, I finally do the query. The other “trick” is to make sure that you do this validation in a CLIENT side UD Method before sending to the server-side which does the actual work. This will eliminate the round-trip call to the server.

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Thanks, ya I’m inheriting some stuff needs improving and thanks for reminding me about that I had that same exact idea last night about client side vs server side UDs and ensuring the form is ready to query the server for the info BEFORE actually sending it :smiley: Thanks @timshuwy!

Now if you can help with my query issue for one of the reports here that would be awesome! :wink: