Yup, you're right it does appear to work when used for quotes, orders, and jobs. Kinda nerve racking though that i can't test as i develop this, especially considering the size. Thanks for the info.
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "hexadecimalman" <christian.duguay@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> We got this error and here's the reply from Epicor:
> SCR number 114048. The problem happens whenever a configuration has more than 79 rules. The workaround is that once you approve the configuration you can use it on quotes, orders, and jobs.
> In our case, it works even if we get the error message in the designer. Try testing it in a quote/order to see if it works.
> Christian
> --- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "Jennifer" <jlisser@> wrote:
> >
> > We are running into the same issue on 9.05.701. If we leave our last rule in and omit a previous one we can get it through, so we know it isn't the rule and appears to be more of a limit.
> >
> > Epicor has SCR119885 that was for a company having the same problem. We opened a call with Epicor on it and found out that SCR was for only 77 rules, we have hundreds. They had us try that one-off anyway, but it didn't fix our issue. We are still working with support.
> >
> > I will post an update if we find out anything. Please share if you find out anything.
> >
> > Thanks!
> > Jenn
> >