Configurator: enabling record creation for PO entry

Hello, i’ve got a configurator meant to be used in PO entry to create new parts as they are ordered, however the box to enable record creation for PO is read only. anybody know how to fix this?


I don’t think you can.

I believe the reason you have access to the PO Detail table, is to set fields in the PO Detail based on the configuration. Meant to be used for Job Material.

The configurator can’t even set the PartNum on the PODetail. Note there’s no access to the PODetail.Partnum


looking at the e10 tech-ref, it explicitly says we should be able to enable record creation for purchase order entry. We are opening a ticket with epicor about this.

Messing around with it a bit more, we found that even though the PODetail.PartNum isn’t listed, it can be hit if you just type it out.

Also we managed to enable record creation via SQL, it appears to be working however we are still testing to make sure this didn’t break anything else.

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Let us know what Epicor says about it.

Despite the tech-ref, field help, and application help all explicitly saying record creation should be available for PO Entry, apparently the functionality never existed and they are unsure why the documentation states its possible.

An enhancement request has been submitted to development, hopefully they will add this functionality in the future.

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If I recall, making a new part when the new part number appeared on an order (as an on-the-fly part), the new part in the Part table will use the values from the OrderDtl (like Description, UOM, ProdGrp, etc…) when making the new part.

I wonder if there is anything like that when the PartNum has already been used on a PODetail. This would require that the PODetail uses the new target PartNum and not the P/N for the configurator. But I don’t know if the configurator can set the PODetail.Partnum.

Hi Calvin, I’m working on this with @jbasilious . Although PODetail.PartNum is not listed on the available selections, the configurator can hit it within a document rule. Additionally as Jonathan mentioned on a test server we used SQL to manually set allow record creation in the PO contexts to true, then set the PODetail.PartNum within the document rules and the configurator does create part records from the PO context.

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