Configuration was not found in the configuration sequence table, a valid StructTag is required

Good morning,

We ran in to this issue when trying to save a configuration session for a Sales Kit on an Order Detail line.
The affected configurator works fine in testing, the rules complete and keeps parts as intended. We’ve rebuilt the configurator sequence which seems to be what the error is indicating.
This configurator was recently re-written to Kinetic from Classic where we were having a different, but eerily similar issue. Similar Issue

We have a support case open but would appreciate any suggestions.

Business Layer Exception

Configuration was not found in the configuration sequence table, a valid StructTag is required.

Error Detail

Correlation ID: cefecbfb-b6f8-4e73-9d2e-379a58fc2d79
Description: Configuration was not found in the configuration sequence table, a valid StructTag is required.
Program: Erp.Services.BO.ConfigurationRuntime.dll
Method: SavePcValueConfiguration
Table: undefined
Field: undefined

is that an issue with the erp.PCStruct table?

Might be worth a compare between the two systems perhaps.

Thanks again @Hally .

Curiously, I don’t see any recent entries in the PcStruct table (maybe that’s the issue). Also, no recent entries in PcValueSet.

Do you know of a list/map of the configurator-related tables? The descriptions in Data Dictonary are hit-and-miss. For now, I’ll grep through anything that does have “configurator” in the description.


I thought table with pc as the prefix were configurator related… @kve?

Thanks, yes, that looks reasonable → Capital P, lowercase c tables.
There’s quite a few of them, this might take a minute.

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