Condition to trigger BPM when New Receipt Line Entered

Hello all,

I have a data directive on the RcvDtl table that should trigger an email alert when receipts are entered for certain vendors. I have had success generating the email alerts when our Purcasing agent enters receipts. Emails generate fine with all the needed field info.

HOWEVER: I am getting additional, what seem like ghost emails at odd times of the day, wherein the email template contains no field data. I imagine this means something unintended is triggering the report:


Right now, my condition is when RcvDtl.Received changes from False to True. I have also tried triggering when there is an added line to RcvDtl table. I get the same odd ghost behavior with both.

To be clear, the BPM is successfully generating the emails I need when lines are received. But I am being flooded with these empty templates as well.

Any thoughts?

Thanks so much,


You could always add conditions to ensure some of those key values arent blank - like part#

I’m sure this is very simple, but which condition would I configure to ensure there is data in the part # field?

Add a condition that (NOT) Part IsNull and for good measure also add one Part <> String.Empty (select constant, leave blank and hit OK)