Company or Site Specific Indicators in Kinetic Web Browser

Has anyone done anything creative yet with making it much more obvious which company and/or site you’re in from the Kinetic browser? I realize we can change the company color in Company Maintenance, but that only changes the color of the tiny company information bar in the top-right corner of the screen. It’s not super obvious.

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Second this. I have also noticed the browser sometimes is confused at startup, saying at top right its one company but showing data from the other. Logged a case for this but unresolved.
I change company back and forth to make sure its getting its data from the right place.

Did this ever make it to 2024 … something?

Actually they did I see this in 2024.1

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Exists in 2023.2 as well. If you are multi-site, there’s a similar option called “Context Bar” in site maintenance.

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