Company hierarchy in the menu tree

Epicor version 9.05.701

Supposing my business has 4 companies and a consolidation company where the accounts are consolidated…is there a way to change the hierarchy of the company within the epicor tree?

So supposing they are presented in the tree as follows:
Company 1
Company 4
Company 3
Consolidated company
Company 2

How can i change them to look like this:
Consolidated company
Company 1
Company 2
Company 3
Company 4

I thought this maybe done in menu tree maintenance, but that doesn’t show company, only processes and reports.

Many thanks in advance.

We asked Epicor about this, E9.05.701
They said it is sorted by Company ID and cannot be modified.
So seems the only way is assign sorted Company ID to companies before anything starts


And to have the foresight of any future companies added. :wink:

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The Sites/plants also suffer the same thing.

And with the default plant name ‘MfgSys’ being practially smack dab in the middle of the alphabet, your almost guaranteed that new plants will fall on either side. :frowning:

So if you were to set up a brand new installation, would you go with company ID as being integer with gaps of 10?




That way you can always insert up to 9 companies between each one that you create at the outset :slight_smile:

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Start with 50, if you want the next new company before it, make it 25, after it 75.

Just put the newly added company/site halfway between the existing ones, to maximize future options. :wink:

Just hope an electrical engineer or mathematician doesn’t set them up, or the numbers will be
10, 12, 15, 18, 22, 27, 33, 39, 47, 56, 68, 82 :slight_smile: