Coming in 2024.1 - Exapanded Email Address length

Just a heads up… due to overwhelming votes (via epicor Idea for “Increase Email Field Size”, we have accepted the challenge, and it has been completed for Kinetic 2024.1 :safe_harbor:
When we undertook this challenge, it was determined that we would standardize the email length to the Microsoft standard of 320 characters. We also would do this across the board in all tables and applications that have email addresses… after research, we found that there were many places this affected (I bet you all didn’t know that there were so many places for an email address did you).

Thank you all for your participation in Epicor Ideas, and for your opinions and inputs. This makes our product, and our community so much better!

Email Erp AlertLog EMailAddr 320 x(320)
Email Erp AlertLog EMailCC 320 x(320)
Email Erp AlertLog EmailFromAddr 320 x(320)
Email Erp AlertQue EmailFrom 320 x(320)
Email Erp APSyst EMailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp ARPNHead SigneeEMailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp COOneTime EMailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp CRMComp EMailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp CustCnt EMailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp CustCntImport EMailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp Customer EMailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp CustomerImport EMailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp CustUPSEmail EmailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp ECCCnt EMailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp ECSLXMLHed UsrEMailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp EmailTemplate EmailTempID 320 x(320)
Email Erp EmpBasic EMailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp GlbAlert EMailAddr 320 x(320)
Email Erp GlbAlert EMailCC 320 x(320)
Email Erp GlbAlert EmailFromAddr 320 x(320)
Email Erp GlbCustCnt EMailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp GlbCustomer EMailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp GlbPerCon EMailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp GlbShipTo EMailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp GlbVendCnt EmailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp GlbVendor EMailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp GlbVendorPP EMailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp LocationInventoryAddress EmailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp LocationTran EmailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp MasterPackUPS EmailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp MscShpUPS EmailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp OrderHedUPS EmailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp OrderRel OTSEMailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp PerCon EMailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp PerConLnk EMailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp Person EMailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp Plant US1099EMailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp PltUPSEmail EmailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp PORel OTSEMailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp PREmpMas EMailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp PurAgent EMailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp SalesRep EMailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp ShipTo EMailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp ShipToUPSEml EmailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp ShipUPS EmailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp SubShipUPS EmailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp TFShipUPS EmailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp UserFile EMailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp VendCnt EmailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp Vendor EMailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp VendorPP EMailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp VendRemitTo RemitToEmail 320 x(320)
Email Erp VenPPUPSEmail EmailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp VenUPSEmail EmailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Erp XbSyst ChiefAcctEmail 320 x(320)
Email Ice ESignatureAudit RequestedByEMailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Ice ESignatureAudit SignedByEMailAddress 320 x(320)
Email Ice MailSetting EmailFromAddr 320 x(320)
Email Ice SysUserFile EMailAddress 320 x(320)