Combo Boxes in App Studio

Documenting this here for future reference.

To create a simple dropdown list, use a Combo Box. There are four types.

Reusable (system list): set the following under Properties:

  1. Data > EpBinding = View.Column e.g. SearchFilters.ColumnName
  2. Reusable Combo > Type = ResourceGroup.ResourceGroupCombo (e.g.)
  3. Reusable Combo > Sub Type = default
  4. Advanced > Header = checked

Hardcoded list : set the following under Properties:

  1. Data > EpBinding = View.Column e.g. SearchFilters.ProjectStatus
  2. Advanced > Drop Down Style = DropDownList
  3. Advanced > Append List = checked
  4. Advanced > TextField = display
  5. Advanced > Value Field = value
  6. Add the list items under Advanced > List

BAQ list : set the following under Properties:

  1. Data > EpBinding = View.Column e.g. SearchFilters.ProjectStatus
  2. Advanced > Data Mode = rows
  3. Advanced > BAQ Query = id of the BAQ with the results, e.g. IA_PartClassesnoX
  4. Advanced > TextField = what shows up in the list, e.g. PartClass_Description
  5. Advanced > Value Field = the key field, e.g. PartClass_ClassID

UD Table: set the following under Properties:

  1. Data > EpBinding = View.Column e.g. SearchFilters.ColumnName
  2. Reusable Combo > Service = [service name] (e.g. Ice.BO.UD15Svc)
  3. Reusable Combo > Service Method = GetList
  4. Advanced > TextField = what shows up in the list, e.g. Key2
  5. Advanced > Value Field = the key field, e.g. Key1

Hardcoded List example:


This is my github / docs system too. :rofl:


The problem is remembering how to find what you documented!


Is it vain to search this site for posts written by myself? That’s how I find my own documentation.

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Search here is really good. Especially if you include a person tag.


I wouldn’t call it vain at all, haha.

I’ve sadly come on this site searching for help and stumbling on my own solutions before… cause, you know… 6 months ago, I knew the answer.


Don’t forget you can bookmark too


Oh, bookmark in the site itself! Hmm, never tried that.



Oh, cool, it can send you a reminder on the bookmark!

THAT is awesome.

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I’ve had CUSTOMERS ask me a question I couldn’t answer, and then later that same day they’d find my 2-year-old answer here and (somewhat gleefully) wonder why I didn’t remember it.


Glad its not just me. My memory retention has always been horrible. I did well in school because I could cram for a test and do well. But if I took the same test 2-3 weeks later… I’d probably bomb. I learn by repetition, so if its something I don’t do all the time, I have to go back and research how I did it all over again.

That’s why when I search, if I don’t find it first time, I add my tag to the search…

To see if I was smarter before… :rofl:

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Our brains are overflowing!
brain GIF

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To use UserCodes -
First setup the UserCode Type and a list of values.

This is how to setup the Reusable Combo.

End result


Awesome post! Thank you for compiling this. This helped me quickly get a BAQ Drop Down list set up and mapped in App Studio :slight_smile:
High Five Sacha Baron Cohen GIF by filmeditor

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