Cloud vs. On Prem - what are your experiences good or bad

Hi all, We are slowing making our way to upgrading from Epicor 9.05.700C - Progress database to Epicor 10 or 11. During this process we are now trying to make the decision whether to stay On Prem with our database or to move to the Epicor hosted cloud. We are looking for some direction from the Epicor users on this forum to help us make our decision. So if you could please let me know your thoughts either way it would sure be appreciated.
Also we are looking to talk to someone who has made the move to the Epicor hosted cloud. So if anyone is willing to jump on a conference phone call with me to discuss that would be awesome. Please just let me know.

thanks very much!

Jill Schoedel


@Mark_Wonsil Can you help Jill out with this??

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Did you move a hosted solution in the end?

Hosting sql in azure is expensive, I was quoted £6,000 a month for 40 users but epicor could offer a small discount.


Jill is up and running in Epicor SaaS. And they have already done their first upgrade from 2021.2 → 2022.1.

Yes, Azure SQL is quite expensive. A managed SQL is cheaper than Azure SQL. SQL running in a VM is least expensive, especially with a multi-year contract with reserved instances.

I wouldn’t run Kinetic in Azure SQL though as it is always up-to-date and I don’t think Epicor would support that.

Thanks for jumping in Mark and answering that for me. I don’t have any experience with Azure SQL.

You are the best:>)


P.S. Something I thought you would like:

The husband took his hearing aids in for repair 2 weeks ago…He hasn’t heard a word since. :>)

Recently saw this one:

A Superman pun is the Lois form of humor.

Stop it… it is not friday yet… no pun fun until friday! :rofl:

Love it Mark!!

Tim – I am always ready for a good pun:>) Helps to make any day a little brighter:>)