Cloud URL Confusion

I hope this is a simple question for some of you Cloud gurus. I transitioned from On-prem 10.2.700 to Kinetic Public Cloud in February 2024. It is all working fine, this topic is to understand Cloud terminology better.

Let’s pretend my Site ID (the number I have used On-Prem since 2011) is 12345, and my company name is Addison.
My cloud URL shown in the top right home page status bar is There is no number in the URL.
The desktop icon that runs Epicor includes C:\Epicor\ERPDT\12345-LIVE\Client\Epicor.exe /config=lv12345.sysconfig

Whenever I’m asked to identify my system in a Support Case, they seem incredulous that I don’t have a number in my URL, and when they ask for my System Number and I give what I know is my Site ID, that doesn’t seem to help them either. After a few back and forths in which I have to provide screen shots of my Kinetic home page because they don’t believe what I tell them, they figure it out and carry on.

Why doesn’t my URL have something like https:/servername/Saas345Live/ like many others do?
What is AKS and is that anything to do with this?
If this is a new convention to naming URLs, isn’t it pretty easy to guess the URL once you know a company’s name?

This is new as of a couple months ago.
They’ve been giving a more friendly name.

Just a guess here…

I used to have a number for the Public Cloud (SaaS505) and that was an application on a particular server that was shared with other cloud users.

AKS is Azure Kubernetes Service. Kubernetes is a container management system. Instead of having a server, each instance is a container with its own address. It is addressable directly and not an application on another server, so the name has to move to the left of the “/”.

Hey Andrew -

Sorry for the Tech Support questions and disbelief - next time they ask, just tell them you are a newer “AKS” only customer and do not have a system number. As @Mark_Wonsil and @klincecum indicated, Epicor is modernizing our Cloud Infrastructure and we are moving form defined “slots” (Saas505) on a VM to AppServers managed under Azure Kubernetes Services.

AKS provides a number of advantages for both you and Epicor. Within the next few months you will start to see new Self-Service options being rolled out that are enabled due to the modernization. The Customer Management Portal will allow you to do many of the Server Admin functions - Start, Stop AppServers; Start, Stop Task Agent; Data Model Regen; Copy Live (from any backup in last 30 days) to Pilot / Additional. Self Upgrade and Update to newer Releases and Versions are also on the roadmap.


Where can I find out more about this? In general this is great news but if paths change I’m gonna have some integration cleanup that would be nice to prepare in advance.

Apart from identifying the client attached to an instance, finding servers is trivial. It doesn’t really matter anyway, any IP endpoint is getting constantly probed from the moment it’s online, and indexed by anyone large enough to get away with reinterpreting robots.txt as a suggestion for what they share rather than crawl.

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I have them, and they are awesome.

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John - As we transition existing Cloud instances to AKS, we are forwarding the existing URLs to the new AKS endpoints. As a result, your integrations should continue to work.

There are some differences with the AKS instances that may require adjustment and we have been proactively notifying customers if we see potentially problematic code patterns in BPM / Functions. We also sent notifications on the IP address changes so Cloud customers with restrictive Firewall rules can add the new IP Addresses to the “Allowed List”.

BPM / Functions code patterns that generate a notification:
– Code that Reads / Writes to EpicorData. The EpicorData location is changing so hard coded file paths are problematic.
– Code that calls an external Service / Endpoint. Many of those could be protected by IP Restricted Firewall rules so they warrant a customer specific notification.

Edit - one other problematic code pattern: Using the Machine Name to determine Live, Pilot, Additional.

If you have a moment later, could you expand on that?

Thank you all for the replies and info. I look forward to the self service features. And I really appreciate knowing how to tell Epicor Support to identify my system (I’ll quote @Rich “I’m an AKS only customer and do not have a system number”).

You know, they could just look it up, since your support account has all that info lol.

Is one of the self service features the ability to delete stuck tasks? Been waiting 30 minutes and counting for the cloud team to clear a stuck task from last night. So frustrating not to be able to just delete it in the 2 seconds it would take to do it myself.

Surprisingly, only 4 votes.

Allow removal of dead tasks from the System Monitor

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Well I never cared before when I could just delete them myself :slight_smile:

Even on-prem folks would like to do it through the UI…

Do I need to…

Super cool Rich!

Request a data fix called FX_Del_SysTaskTables

This allows you to clear stuck tasks on your own without the cloud team every time. Just need to request a new one every time it expires or is no longer valid due to system version change.

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