Closing Orders via DMT

Is it possible to close an Order via DMT?

I’ve tried just setting the OrderHed.OpenOrder to FALSE, hoping it would be like selecting “Close Order” from Order Entry (which automatically closes all open lines and releases). But it did nothing.

Then I tried from the other end, just closing open releases in OrderRel.OpenRelease.

But still nothing.

I think I tried that once with the same result. Better to create an updatable BAQ so that the business objects are invoked.

I believe that if you close the order release the system will close the
order line and header if needed.


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Tried this. But “No Buenos” (didn’t work)

I even tried the Combined Sales Order DMT (including OrderHed, OrderDtl, and OrderRel). Still nothing.

I may have to got the Updatable BAQ route :frowning:

I was working on E9 when I did this with the order release and it seemed to
do the same thing as the close release action. Must be a different story
with E10.


I have to do this in E10 with DMT for a client about once a month and I’ve not had any issue. (the way they ship causes some releases not to close as they should).
Just to confirm I ran it just now and it worked.
I use the ‘Sales Order Release’ import, as Update only with the following fields in this order:
Company, OrderNum, OrderLine ORderRelNum, OpenRelease

If there are any business logic issues the error message should display in the error log. (such as pending shipments)

If that doesn’t work, could you confirm the exact version you are on, perhaps there is a bug (or being able to do this was a bug)

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I figured it out… It was working the whole time.

I was trying this with DMT into the TEST company. But I was querying the DB in Excel via ODBC, and my MS-query link was pointing to the live company.

So even after the TEST Company DB was properly updated, I was seeing them unchaged - because I was looking in the wrong place.