Client Installation

Any way to setup the Client installer (preferably the silent.bat version) such that the shortcuts created are customized (have command line switch added to the target)?

In a nutshell, I want the shortcuts to include /Classic in the target.

Also … There’s no uninstaller for the client, so uninstalling only requires:

  1. Removing the folder and the files where the client program resides
    (Example: C:\Epicor\10.2 Client)
  2. Deleting the Start menu entries
  3. Deleting the desktop shortcuts
  4. Deleting the C:\ProgramData\Epicor\<app_server>-808 folder

Did I miss anything?

Note that I’m trying to uninstall a specific client. Workstations may have two. One for 10.1.400, and one for 10.2.300 (they were installed in separate folders)

I am not sure about how the Epicor installer works but for other software I’ve included a shortcut link in the .bat folder and copied the .lnk as part of the batch file.

Here is a powershell script I’ve used in the past for uninstall and deployed out via PDQDeploy. You would just need to adjust for your environment

Function CleanUp($mfolder)
{    if(Test-Path($mfolder)){ Remove-Item -recurse -Force $mfolder }
CleanUp "C:\Epicor\ERP10.1Client"
CleanUp "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Epicor Software\Epicor ERP Version 10.1 Client\epax1"
CleanUp "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Epicor Software\Epicor ERP Version 10.1 Client\epax1"
CleanUp "C:\ProgramData\Epicor\epax1-808"
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I also see stuff in:


And if you have an alternate cache location set in your .sysconfig.