Any way to setup the Client installer (preferably the silent.bat version) such that the shortcuts created are customized (have command line switch added to the target)?
In a nutshell, I want the shortcuts to include /Classic
in the target.
Any way to setup the Client installer (preferably the silent.bat version) such that the shortcuts created are customized (have command line switch added to the target)?
In a nutshell, I want the shortcuts to include /Classic
in the target.
Also … There’s no uninstaller for the client, so uninstalling only requires:
C:\Epicor\10.2 Client
folderDid I miss anything?
Note that I’m trying to uninstall a specific client. Workstations may have two. One for 10.1.400, and one for 10.2.300 (they were installed in separate folders)
I am not sure about how the Epicor installer works but for other software I’ve included a shortcut link in the .bat folder and copied the .lnk as part of the batch file.
Here is a powershell script I’ve used in the past for uninstall and deployed out via PDQDeploy. You would just need to adjust for your environment
Function CleanUp($mfolder)
{ if(Test-Path($mfolder)){ Remove-Item -recurse -Force $mfolder }
CleanUp "C:\Epicor\ERP10.1Client"
CleanUp "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Epicor Software\Epicor ERP Version 10.1 Client\epax1"
CleanUp "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Epicor Software\Epicor ERP Version 10.1 Client\epax1"
CleanUp "C:\ProgramData\Epicor\epax1-808"
I also see stuff in:
And if you have an alternate cache location set in your .sysconfig.