So many questions. The issue started with not being able to launch DMT. Everything works/worked in Pilot; however, if we tried to launch DMT with production code from 2022.1.3 we receive the soooo helpful most generic message in the world - “Object Reference Not Set to an Instance of an Object”.
We were asked to download a new dmt config and dll file - didn’t work. Asked to reinstall production - didn’t work. Then we were given a new installation procedure via
This is a completely new installation process and it even created new folders for all environments in the c:\epicor\erpdt\ folder
What gives?
Why a different installation process?
Why is this not on Epicweb or why is the old installation still on epicweb?
Why was this not introduced for Pilot?
Why the different folder structure?
Where’s the announcement that the installation process is/has changed?
Specifically on the DMT it references our site and a RL11.2.100VEF?
At this point, if I point to our site, we can get DMT to work. We’re back, but took many hours trying to get this to work…
For reference, I found this solution on the Epiccare Knowledge base articles. I found that they’ve been more helpful for me recently. Especially with error messages.
Same thing happened to us, odd that it left the old C: program folders intact and appeared to install along side existing environments instead of replacing the current installation, like every update before - it would just clear them and rebuild.
Has anyone gotten a clear answer as to if,
This is only for DMT users that need to reinstall?
Or if all End User clients need to be reinstalled with the new installation procedure as well?
Generally, I’ve seen this with major uplifts (8 → 9, 9 → 10, etc.) or if one switched from a different tenancy (single → dedicated, …). It’s not without precedence.
Managing the rich client has been a pain and the migration to the browser will eliminate these kinds of issues.
If you can create the Default.sysconfig file in the config directory where the client files exist, there is no need to reinstall anything. Unfortunately, we found this out after the reinstall.
The DMT error would have been “Object Reference is not set to an instance of an Object”.
The popup you have in the screen shot, we are also getting and not sure why. Just press OK and continue. Because you have the DMT login in the screen shot, you are making it past the object reference error.
If you cannot continue, look in the config directory where all the client exe and dlls are stored. See if you have a default.sysconfig.template file - grab the line that starts with <AppServerURL value="https:// . Copy it to your default.sysconfig file and see if that doesn’t fix your error.
We started with just the DMT users, but have had seemingly random other problems we’ve “fixed” with a reinstall to the new location. I’m investigating how I will go about deploying in this new environment. Gonna break a lot o’ shortcuts.
A little late to the party on this issue, but also wanted to let you all know that we have seen an issue with more than one sysconfig file in the config folder. If you leave the default and the main one and remove the one that starts with RL you may have a better initial experience. Then, when DMT opens the first time it will cache some settings it seems. Then, the RL file can be moved back in if you want too and it will work. We are currently working with Kinetic 2022.1.8 cloud.
Have you rolled out this new installer across the board yet? If so, how did you end up going about it?, to prevent as least broken shortcuts as possible, - we are cloud.