Classic Dashboards Not Loading

Hello, we have some dashboards that we run in classic because of issues with speed and parameters in kinetic dashboards (I’m aware the parameters have been fixed in the latest releases, we just haven’t had a reason to upgrade the dashboards). Lately, we’ve had the classic versions just freezing for some users. I’ve tried giving guidance with no luck and as of today I’m experiencing it myself when I try to open any classic dashboard.

When hovering over the Epicor icon in the taskbar you’re able to see the opened dashboard, but it is a blank white screen. When you try to click on it, it will not pull the window up. On Dashboards with parameters, the parameter window pops up and allows you to enter your parameters, but once entered the main dashboard screen is still stuck in the task bar.

Has anyone experienced this? Not sure if there was a recent update that started causing problems or what. Some of these are dashboards we’ve been using a while.

Thank you!

Yes. It’s because the window is off screen. Here are the steps to fix:

Hover like you did
Right Mouse Click
Choose Move
Click an arrow key, any one will do
Now use your mouse to move the screen back into view.

The reason this happens is a person who saved the position (a developer, or yourself when docking and undocking) to a screen that doesn’t exist for the current user.

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If you want to correct this permanently, open the customization, go into the XML view (from the menu), and find the .Top and .Left properties on the form itself. Delete those two properties. The window will reset to default position.


This sounds like what I need! When I connected to my three monitor setup at work I am able to see the dashboard again.

How can I customize a classic dashboard? I go to customization maintenance and I can’t create a new customization, only edit personalizations for each user. I would like to edit the dashboard in one place so that the edits work for all users. When I am in developer mode, it says the dashboard is not customizable. Is there something I can change dashboard wise to make it customizable?

Thank you for the help so far!

It happens to me in the BPM Editor often, I just have to right click and click Maximize.

If you deploy the Dashboard and then create a Menu targeting the Assembly Dashboard, you should be able to Customize the Dashboard at that level. Then you can add something like:

Option 1

private void MainController_Load(object sender, EventArgs args)
	MainController.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;

Option 2:

This one will center it on the monitor that is active so if you are using Monitor 2 and open it there, it will open up there.

private void MainController_Load(object sender, EventArgs args)
	// Center Form on Working Screen
	MainController.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;
	System.Drawing.Rectangle wa = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea;
	MainController.Location = new System.Drawing.Point((wa.Right - MainController.Width) / 2, (wa.Bottom - MainController.Height) / 2);

Mark, I replied below, but wanted to say thanks. This method works but how can I make it so I save the position to a screen that exists for all users? I’m on a laptop so I imagine the problem is I saved on my three monitor setup at work. Not everyone uses three monitors. If I open Dashboard on my main laptop screen and just save the classic dashboards while Dashboard is on my main screen, should that fix the issue?

Thanks Haso, might have to try this!

I like @hkeric.wci’s solution. This has to be added to each dashboard and/or customization. In the past, I wondered if there was a way to move ALL windows to the current or main screen. I found this solution on Stackoverflow.

In looking for that post, I discovered that one can also do a Windows+Shift+ArrowKey (left or right) to move the ACTIVE window from display to display as well. You can use Alt-Tab to rotate through the Windows to make the off screen window active.

Finally, this will be less of a problem with the browser since most windows today will be tabs and there will be fewer browser windows open to use the Windows+Shift+ArrowKey solution.

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In order to fix this, I just had to open the Dashboard application on my laptop’s screen and redeploy my classic dashboards from that screen. Since it’s my main screen, other users who only have one screen are no longer having issues when opening the deployed dashboards. Thank you everyone for your input! Even though the fix was simple, everything shared here will be useful to me in some way or another.

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Yes, when making dashboards always deploy from your primary screen.

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My primary screen is 1440p, 1080p users wouldn’t like it… :smiley: