Checking in unapproved parts to Engineering Workbench

Hi all,

We’re trying to create a process where by the person who creates a BOM, cannot be the same person who approves it. When we’re DMTing, it works fine as a user imports the unapproved BOM, this then appears on a custom dashboard as an unapproved BOM and another user can approve it. However, when the BOM is created in Engineering workbench, you can’t check in an unapproved part. For some reason the Check in option is greyed out, it only allows you to approve and check in. If you undo checkout, the work you’ve done on the revision is lost, even if you press Save. Does anyone have any solution for this or understand why the Check in option is greyed out?


Hi Jonathan
each action of what you mentioned has a method runs on EWB BO, Epicor standard logic to deal with Check-In or/and Check-In All after approving methods, so if you only want to put a restriction on approving method in this BO, create a security group and add users whom allowed to do such process, then create a BPM and condition it to User belong to this group.

Does your workflow require that completed BOMs be checked in so someone else knows they need approval? I think you could use Tasks to indicate a BOM is ready for a look-over, and a BPM on the Approve/Check-in methods to compare ECO creator with method caller.

Epicor allows for workflows for Engineering and Quotes. You can design your workflow using tasks being done by different persons with the final step being approve and check in. Steps before can be used for your internal checks and balances.

Vinay Kamboj

but this won’t stop users from approving revisions in EWB nor check them in

That is true. You will still need a BPM to not allow that if all the tasks on the workflow are not done.

Vinay Kamboj

That’s actually doable with built-in tools, using mandatory tasks and the “check-in allowed” property of task set milestones. However, it’s set up for role-based permissions. A condition like “the person checking it in is not the person who created it” will need a BPM. I only brought up tasks as a possible way to signal a revision is ready without having to check it in unapproved.

Hi Ashley,
-In my opinion-Task Module is good when doing processes different the Epicor BO methods, it will do the job don’t get me wrong but you still need to create BPM control and as i said if all what you do is transactions in BO, creating UD flags, BPM control, and dashboard is less work for users, also Epicor won’t allow check-in/all unapproved revisions.


Thanks for all your replies. It’s an interesting debate. One thing I don’t think you have covered though is the checking in without approving. This always seems to be greyed out. Is there a way to check in without approving?


i have

It seems you may have field security enabled for that field. We’ve used this method to restrict user’s ability to click on or modify a field. Once field security is configured, only certain users can have access to it and the check box will appear grayed out.