The EpiBinding is correct and so is the crystal report. I just can’t find the reason - when the buyer checks the box, it fills in the promise date. No BPM’s and I can’t find it in the customization. Might just have to redo the customization.
This(what Brian said). Any value in the POHeader.PromiseDate is copied to a newly created line, and the PODetail.PromiseDate is copied to the PORel.PromiseDate when the Release is saved.
There doesn’t have to a be Header lever Promise Date. It can be blank, but if the Line has one entered, it will copy to the Release.
Edit: I take this back, as the Line tab doesn’t have a promise date. Only the Header and Release.
Also, the PORel.PromiseDt field is mandatory (at least in E10)
Here’s some other info on PORel.PromiseDt (also from E10)
Specifies the date on which the supplier has promised to ship this release.This date is taken from POHeader.PromiseDate. If you’re adding releases from:
BTO or Drop Shipments, PORel.PromiseDt will take the value from OrderRel.NeedByDate.
Job Material , PORel.DueDate will take the value from JobMtl.ReqDate.
Subcontract Operations, PORel.DueDate wil take the value from JobOper.DueDate