Changing the color on a EpiButton

I have used that for epiShapes, I didn’t think that worked for EpiButtons!


Tom Christie |  Information Technology Manager  |  AGM Container Controls, Inc.  |   tchristie@...  | t: 520.881.2130 ext 2176


From: [] On Behalf Of dsawan@...
Sent: Tuesday, December 24, 2013 5:42 AM
Subject: [Vantage] RE: Changing the color on a EpiButton




Try changing the Style setting in an on click event.

epiShape.Status = StatusTypes.Stop;

StatusType.OK: Green
StatusType.Warning: Yellow
StatusType.Stop: Red
StatusType.Global: Blue

Anyone know how to change the color of a EpiButton? I have a bunch of buttons and I want to change the color of one when it is clicked.




Tom Christie |  Information Technology Manager  |  AGM Container Controls, Inc.  |   tchristie@...  | t: 520.881.2130 ext 2176



Try changing the Style setting in an on click event.

epiShape.Status = StatusTypes.Stop;

StatusType.OK: Green
StatusType.Warning: Yellow
StatusType.Stop: Red
StatusType.Global: Blue