Changing serial number

What would be the best way to change serial numbers on a part that has been consumed but not shipped?

Is there a way to void it and then adjust it to the proper serial number?

Seem like you need to file a nonconformance for ones that are assigned to a job but these are not. Other thought would be to assign it to a temp job and then adjust it from there but it seems like a number of steps to just adjust a serial number that isn’t assigned to anything. Plus I have at least 50 serials to update.

I tried to update it from the REST API, with the attempt to find the fastest method to do this but no luck. I’ve looked in Epicor and I cannot seem to find a method at all beyond assigning to a job and then filing a nonconformance and going thru a bunch of steps to just change a few letters in a serial number.

in what way are they wrong and where are they.
are they parts issued to a job, or parts being made on the job
if parts being made on the job, are they MTS or MTO?

if i had to change a serial number before the best way i found to keep all the history, was to create a MTS job, for the serialised part, with the same part as the raw material.

issue the wrong serial numbered part tot he job, and then create the correct serial number using serial number assignment, then receive the correct serial numbered part back to stock.

it all depends, where you are in the process.

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They are vehicle chassis and the vins were inputted wrong. Really I blame the manufactures. They last minute changed the vins. Changing the vins from being manufactured in the US vs being manufactured in Mexico. Changes 2 digits in a 17 alphanumeric vin. That and other reasons.

Some of the vins were received but not assigned to a job.

A few have been assigned to a job, consumed, and accounting went to the next level and invoiced the jobs. Making this more fun.

At this point we’ve decided to live with it and just make a comment on the affected vins.

The time consumed to RMA all of them just isn’t worth it. Or any other way. Was hoping for a simple, easy method but that isn’t an option in Epicor.

If this is a common occurrence, i would add a UD field to the serial number table for the VIN and just a sequential number for the serial number, which would allow an easier update.