Changing screen width and column width of search

I have a request to change the Basic Search on Customer so that people can see more columns and they are autosized. Does anyone know if there is a way to apply a customization to BasicSearch?

Thanks in advance,

Is there a way to apply personalization/customization to the default Basic Search of Customer in Customer Entry or do I need to create a new search / dashboard? We like the existing basic search but would like to see more columns and possibly hide some instead of scrolling side to side.


Hey Tanner,

Were you ever able to figure this out?
I am looking to do the same thing to a basic search.


It appears that in 10.2.300.X users can right click the grid and choose Save Layout.

Thanks for the response!

I also just learned about Quick Searches too. I was able to create one that had the extra info our users were looking for.