I am trying to implement Quality Assurance. I have decided to use Nonconformance entries.
However, our manufactured goods are very large and the location of the item may change after the Nonconformance is created.
I cannot change the To Bin in the Nonconformance as it is all greyed out. Any suggestion on what I should do to keep track of the Nonconformance inventory.
Eventually the Nonconformance inventory will be repaired and stored until it is being shipped. But the item can be moved around inside the warehouse.
could you please elaborate more about what you mean by
“I cannot change the To Bin in the Nonconformance as it is all greyed out.”
obviously, i do not know the setting of your environment or your business rules, but i have implemented the full standard Quality Assurance NCR,SCRAP,DMR, and RMA, my manufacturing environment as per the following:
Making to Stock
not using direct material nor purchase,
all sub/con operations and purchased material/parts go to inspection by default (it has been set at supplier level),
all parts are lot tracked.
Quarantine Bin has been created as a non nullable Bin to put all NCR in it.
based on that, any transaction from Inspection processing gives you the option of selecting warehouse and Bin,
Thanks for the reply. What I meant was that after the nonconformance is created. Our company may still move the inventory around the warehouse as we may put the item away to another location.
I cannot do any Inventory Transfer for Nonconformance, so I was thinking to modify the ToBin field in Nonconformance case so that at least when the worker look at the inventory, they know that the item has been moved there.
i have not tried that before, but have you tried moving NCR’s from this screen ? i think that it depends on the source of the NCR’s, if it comes from operation (ASM-INS), then there is no parts/lot yet created so physically the NCR is linked to the source Job/Operation only and can be any where that is why we have specific area for this type of NCR, but if the NCR comes from inventory or supplier (STK-INS) or (PUR-INS), then it will have lot/bin no. thereby you should find it on the PartLot table under specific warehouse/Bin and theoretically you should be able to move it around using this screen, please test it for (Open and Close NCR) and let me know
Well, for Inventory Nonconformance, when one is created, the nonconformance part will be taken out of the inventory. Therefore, Inventory Transfer cannot be done as there is no stock on hand. A Part Tran of “STK-INS” will appear. Meaning the cost has gone into INS.
The item will appear instock again if the nonconformance is completed by having an inspection.
well done pal, customization code i.e C# LINQ always been an area where i need to learn and understand more, just how do we check if updating Nonconformance Epicor record this way won’t affect/break any related tables/Base script results ?
are you using this in Nonconformance UI ? and under what event you added this code ?
I am changing the ToBin, which I don’t think it is being used after the Nonconformance has created. The reason why I want to change the ToBin is that when the user do the inspection, they can put it into the ToBin.
I am doing this in a dashboard on inventory transfer, as Inventory transfer only transfer physical panels, I am creating this additional code to cater for changing location on materials that has nonconformance.