Change to BAQ Report after update from 10.1.400 to 10.2.300

I have a BAQ Report that uses the GLJrnDtl.PostedDate to select transactions posted on a specific date.

It was working fine in 10.1.400, and now always yeilds ‘No records found’ for any date prior to the switch to 10.2.300.

It looks like GLJrnDtl.PostedDate used to be a Date and is now a DateTime, because the BAQ report window shows the time as well as the date.

Here’s the BAQ Report form from 10.1.400


And here’s the one for 10.2.300 (notice it adds the time)


Since I’m checking for a date, nothing matches in the BAQ results because 12/19/2019 <> 12/19/2019 3:07 PM.

I added a Calc field (of type date) to the BAQ to make a value containing just the date portion of GLJrnDtl.PostedDate, thinking my BAQ Report’s Option field could be set to the calculated field. But still returns ‘No records selected’

Hi Calvin,

Can you post the query?

I got it working. Had a bad formula for the new calculated field for the DateTime to Date conversion. It converted just fine and displayed in the BAQ, but the BAQ Report didn’t like the format for comparing it to the Date entered on the form.

Just was very surprised that the Update changed the field type…

Here’s from the BAQ in 10.1.400.


And here is the same thing in 10.2.300


I have yet to go through an upgrade so curious to see the detail in the release notes.

Should have been caught by my users during testing. But I finally came to terms with the fact that they weren’t going to do it. And that only the pressure of them having to do it for real, would shine light on the issues needing resolution.