Change Table Description?UD tables

Is there a way to change the table descriptions of the UD tables so it shows up here? Since I am using these tables, it would be nice not to have to cross reference every time I need to use it in a query.

Look in Extended Properties Maintenance (not sure if its updateable)

If ti isn’t you could do the change in the ZDataTable … but that would require an udpatable BAQ or direct SQL… (Not recommended)

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It is not. That isn’t where it’s pulling from anyways since that isn’t what it says. I guess I don’t even know where that comes from.

Log a enhancement request with Epicor. At least it will some attention, it’s these minor niggles that more often than not people don’t raise and they go unfixed for ever. So whilst it may not be high on the priority list, at least it is known, and if it does get resolved you’ll have the fuzzy feeling that you know you did something about it and it got fixed! :bear:

All of our contributions, however small, make the product better.

Bug/Enhancement bounty please Epicor :grin:


I am pleased to present you on behalf of Epicor Support this official gold star for your tireless pursuit in trying to make the product better for all users. If someone gets three gold stars, they get to trade them in for a better prize from the gift box :smiley:


If I get 3 I’m trading it for an SDK license :smile:

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Thanks Nathan, You’ve made my day.

Kind Regards
Simon Hall

Actually, if we are talking gifts. I’ll take a free Insights ticket, Nashville was great.

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TableDesc in Ice.TableAttribute might do it. You certainly use Ice.ColumnAttribute when needing columns desc’s etc in Data Dictionary and BAQ,

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I’m assuming that would be with and Updatable BAQ? Or is there a menu to change these?

I made a UBAQ and am able to change it. Thanks!

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Great! As I said, if you want to extend this to columns then you should look at Ice. Column attribute.

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So dumb question, where do I log an enhancement request? This seems like something that should have a regular menu item, and not have to make my own UBAQ to change them. I don’t see in Epicare a specific place for enhancement requests.

I log it like a regular issue but I put Enhancement Request in the Subject line. Also, I try to put the business case in the description. “This is how is should work” is not very compelling. :blush: I try to show how the enhancement would save time, reduce errors, add value, etc.

Mark W.


I think I might have to put in an enhancement request to make a special enhancement request section the EpiCare.



I’d request that development expand the Extended Properties screen to allow changing UDx table description properties. Seems like the least painful place for us to incorporate that ability as most of the bits are already there.

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I would agree, That was also the place that most people expect them to be as shown by my initial search, and Jose’s initial suggestion as well.

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My unscientific sampling of enhancement requests that have been introduced into the product suggests that those that include at least one possible way to incorporate the request when submitted to development are more likely to be approved than those that don’t. I suspect that has to do with those that review enhancement requests like to see that some thought has been put into how it could be incorporated in some practical sense.

For those with a list of great enhancements out there looking to collect those Support gold stars–any time spent on providing information on how it could be incorporated is time well spent with bonus points for how to incorporate it using as many existing bits as possible :slight_smile: