Change PO Approval Status

As far I know when user approve then unapprove PO. PO approval become pending status if we change qty and price inside PO detail. So, can we make PO approval to pending status if user changed any fields in PO detail (like comment, due date, etc)?

Here scenarios that I want:

  1. PO already approved
  2. Buyer changed any fields in PO detail (like comment, due date, etc)
  3. Save PO
  4. PO should be in pending status (actual result: approved status)

It seems those scenarios not happen for anyone. I don’t know if it’s possible or not to change default behavior of PO approval.

You could be sneaky and reset the approved amount back to zero after it has approved.

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Thanks for you reply, finally I can use BPM in POHeader table and then set ApprovedAmount into zero.