Change Log in Job Entry

I am being asked to see if there is a way that we can tell who is deleting materials and assemblies in the Job Entry screen. I know about the change log, not much though, and it doesn’t show any deletion records. It is only showing if a quantity is changed or if a date is changed, things like that. Can I change what the change log is tracking? From my limited research, it seems that I would have to create a BPM or use a BAM. The problem is, this happened in the past. We can certainly set this up and see what happens in the future if that will help catch who is doing what. Any suggestions?

@epinoob I took the easy way on deletes and send an email rather than logging into a UD table.
This is on OrderHed, but the same principal.

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change logs do not do well with deletions. in fact, if you delete something, then any change log that is tied to that deleted item is also deleted.
What some people do for special instances like this is to create their own logging system (via a BPM) that creates a new entry in a UD Table whenever something is deleted. another trick is to create a BPM that sends an email (like @gpayne said) every time someone does the deletion. This can be used to quickly find out who is doing this without a more difficult setup.

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The built in change log won’t work for deletes. You will need a custom BPM for that. Either logging to UD table or logging outside Epicor via an API or something. Sending an email also works for a quick way to know right away something is deleted.

If you don’t have any setup for logging deletions won’t be much you can do to go back and see who deleted it.

Does this log what user did this? If I needed it for Job Entry, then which business object would I create this on?
Screenshot 2023-05-10 at 11.26.58 AM

It would be on JobEntry.Update. This is for the Job Header, but you could add the other tables with Or and do them all in one directive.
E10 Job Email.bpm (18.4 KB)

Forgive my ignorance, but I don’t have that as an option. How would one go about creating that? Asking for a friend. :rofl:

You need to go to EpicWeb and download the following at the least. BPMCookbook, convertedcode_programming guide from technical references. From User Guides get the ERPCustomization, ICETools_UserGuide.{36E0AA02--A473--4F97--8497--EBE03740DBF6}

In method directives search and emter like below

Then you want to make a new preprocessing directive.
This will give you a blank directive to start from.

If you import mine then you will already have a preprocessing directive that you can change.

I assume that you are doing all of this not in a live environment.


Thank you all! Greg, I am pretty sure yours will work. I just have to tweak it, test it, then get it in live.

We tried handling this through the Company Configuration. Modules > Production > Job has a checkbox to prevent changes and create an audit log.

Jobs were company through MRP as engineered already, so people making changes had to uncheck engineered. To recheck the box the audit log popped up and required an entry. It was supposed to be used to describe the change. We could tell who was putting junk into the audit log (space wasn’t allowed as bypass, but a “.” was). Since there wasn’t accountability, we gave up – another need for those shock collars I keep hoping we can integrate :wink:

If your teams are good with putting in valid audit comments you might want to try this first instead of going the custom route. This is only checking 2 boxes…

Good Luck!

Maybe an Epicor Idea for Automation Studio :slight_smile: I would certainly implement it.