I created a custom field on our ShipHead, called “ActShipDate_c”.
When we create a pack, it generates it’s own entry date, but we set the custom field for the day we’re actually shipping. When we create an invoice it wants to use the default “ShipDate” field, not our custom field. Can this be changed so we’re not changing the date manually on each invoice? BPM maybe?
You could do it in a post process method directive on get shipment invoices. The BPM will be a little tricky since you go through all the invoices and look up the date and update it. A data directive on a added invoice head should also work and be easier to write but would need more testing since it would fire on more occasions.
I’m assuming you have a good reason that the shipment date isn’t the real shipment date. That feels like the better solution.
We use the default “ShipDate” to capture when the product is packaged and ready to ship. This ties into our production teams bonus. They receive credit towards their bonus when the pack is ready, even if it ships a month later. The only solid solution I could come up with was adding another date field to ShipHead. I couldn’t use job completion date as that doesn’t account for partial shipments. Sure, a pack was ready but the job wasn’t complete.
So far it works as intended, and it also allowed me to build a pretty cool Dock Management dashboard with accurate dates. If you only knew the kinds of horrors that were being committed before all these changes… it was unreal haha.
I was able to use an in-transaction data directive on InvcHead. Condition was at least one added row to ttInvHead table, followed by an update table by query element. Pulled in ShipHead and ShipDtl, with the fields needed for the relationship (Company and OrderNumber) and the custom field I needed to bind to Invoice Date and Apply Date. I had to set a criteria on ShipHead in my query (NOT CustomDate_c is null) to account for when the custom field wasn’t needed or filled out. Worked like a charm, thank you Mr.Ripple!