Manufacturing requested to use a partnum in Engineering Workbench for metal panels, and override the description to have a ‘-length’ suffix. We don’t want to create hundreds of parts just to spec a different length
Epicor has the description column greyed out – I figure it’s because the ECOMtl and PartMtl tables don’t have a Description field (and use the one linked from the Part table).
Should we add a UD field to ECOMtl and PartMtl tables for alternate descriptions that are tied to the part revision, and use that for travelers and job info?
We’d need to customize Engineering Workbench, Job Traveler reports, probably Job Entry / Tracker, and anywhere else.
I’m getting more details from manufacturing, and asked if we can switch UOM’s to a length instead of each, but I’m betting it’s for an op to trim down existing panels for custom buildings.
Has anyone done something similar? Is there a better way?
For our use case, we need so many Inches of bar stock to fulfill the job… BUT, we actually need that length cut into a certain number of pieces.
There is a “number of pieces” field, but I think that was tied to Advanced Unit of Measure functionality (if memory serves).
So we add a manufacturing comments to the method, instead.
This is how those comments appear on the traveler:
You could also add comments under a specific operation in ECOOpr.CommentText depending on where you want those instructions to appear on your traveler.
Thanks @aball and David! That seems like it’d work. I’ve passed that on to our mfg manager. Also asked if these would be make-direct, and we don’t need that info for MQR or pack slips…
John - How would AUM be used in this case? Mfg wants to have one part num multiple times in a BOM, for different lengths. I’m sure it’s not a cheap option, but if it does the job, maybe it’s worth it.
No it is not, but does exactly what you are looking for.
AUOM allows you to create a single part number that you attach a Dynamic Class to. The Dynamic Class is built by you with whatever attributes you want, for your example, let’s just say the only attribute you want to track is length.
It appears that you are selling these parts, correct me if I am wrong.
You get an order for CRRL6B1. When the order is entered, the system will require the attributes for that part to be entered. 127.5" is entered as the length attribute. When MRP sees the demand, it is seeing that you have a requirement to manufacture CRRL6B1 at 127.5" and will create a job for that exact requirement.
I only use AUOM for raw material, but I assume that if you had 2 orders in the system for the same part at different lengths, you would get 2 separate jobs. 1 job for each length specified on the order.
You can also use it for the materials too. Take @dcamlin example where they put a note on the job for what is actually required. I’m assuming the material requirement is for the entire length needed and the note is telling them how many pieces are needed. AUOM does that all for you, when you create the BOM you enter what length you need for the piece in the attributes and then there is a field for how many pieces are required. Once you enter the quantity of pieces the system automatically calculates the total length.