Hi, I am on 10.2.100
Is it possible to make a different UOM the base of the class? There was an other class created but with the wrong base uom?
So now when i enter a conversion, its based off the wrong UOM instead of the one it should be for this class.
(Tim Shoemaker)
I do not believe that to be possible once you assign parts to the class.
Thanks! i had a feeling this was the case. Had to create another UOM class.
(Calvin Krusen)
More acuurately, [quote=“timshuwy, post:2, topic:55489”]
once you assign parts to the class.
More accurately … once parts using that class have had transactions.
If you:
- Made an OTHER UOM class
- Assigned a UOM as the default
- Created 100 parts using that UOM Class, but never made and part transactions.
You could:
- Temporarily change all those parts to a different class
- Change the default UOM for your OTHER class
- Change all those parts back to the OTHER Class
But no one is ever lucky enough to find themselves in that scenario. 
Thanks Calvin for the knowledge! yeah transactions were already made. lol