We have been processing cash receipt against an AR Invoice but we able to select an invoice on the cash receipt entry. We can select other invoices but highlighted invoice unable to select. The invoice is not on hold and the credit limit also open. Any thoughts ?
@sk.patchai This invoice might be part of other open Cash Receipt Entry. Please check DocUnpostedBal and UnpostedBal for that invoice. If this is not same as DocInvoiceBal and InvoiceBal fields value, then it means there could be another open Cash Receipt Entry or .stranded AR Adjustment Entry.
I encountered a similar issue regarding an open Credit Memo Invoice that was created in E-9 and migrated to E-10; when my Controller went to Write Off & Adjust the old Credit Memo. She received an error that there was a pending cash receipt, when in fact there wasn’t one.
As others have said, verify that there isn’t a pending cash receipt out there already - check the review journal as well.
If no cash receipt has ever been created for this invoice, then you’ve encountered a similar error that we had. Never did determine what caused the error, but the fix is an Updateable BAQ.
The first thing I would do is query the two invoices you have displayed: compare the one you cannot select with the one that you can select. In my case, it was the UnpostedBal & DocUnpostedBal amounts that were not equal to the Invoice Amount on Invoice Head. Yours looks like it is the InvoiceBal & DocInvoiceBal that are not matching the Amount due…
Whatever field(s) are the culprit, that you discover in the query, you’ll need to create an updateable BAQ with just those fields as being updateable - though I would also display the field(s) that they should match for quick reference when making the update.
But, again, verify that you have no existing cash receipt out there, before you do anything. If you aren’t familiar with Updateable BAQ’s, Epicor should have a fix that will do the same thing; and fix the unmatched fields. They will have you query the Cash Receipt table for an existing cash receipt before they’ll provide you with the fix. I found the updateable BAQ to be a quicker solution than the back and forth with Epicor Support - especially if they request a copy of your database.
In recap:
Check for an existing cash receipt against that Invoice - including checking your review journal for such a cash receipt that errored.
(If no cash receipt was ever created) compare the broken invoice with one that isn’t broken to see what’s different (Check the header and detail tables to review for all differences)
3a. Create an Updateable BAQ that’ll allow you to correct the mismatched fields.
3b. Contact Epicor Support for a Fix.
P.S.: Always do this in your Test database, first - before doing in a Live environment!