Capture/Post won't post on just "one" particular day. Never happened before

We do a weekly capture/post on Mondays for the previous week and have done this for YEARS without issue. However, yesterday, our accountant found that after running capture/post, he noticed that one particular day last week (10/10) the entries did NOT post. He checked the system monitor and it said everything completed normally and no active tasks. He ran it again on “just” that one day and it still did not post but said it completed successfully. Anyone ever experience this or can tell us what to check and possible fix to get it to work?

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Do you happen to have access to any of the app server logs?

Check the Review Journal. The posting engine summarizes postings by date so if there is an unbalanced transaction or an invalid GL account on that one date, it will cause all of the transactions on that date to not show as posted.

You can go into Review Journal and use Actions > Journal Cancellation to “kick back” the transactions to be posted again. I would suggest running the Inventory/WIP Recon report for that date to see if something doesn’t balance or if an account is being referenced that doesn’t exist or is inactive.


Yes, THANK YOU, it’s not something we ever looked at but under “Review Journal” it said we had something “out of balance” and then he found the transactions in the Inv/WIP Recon that caused the “out of balance” but don’t understand why. Somehow, transactions got posted to a job AFTER the job was closed and “that” is the inbalance. Is it “safe” to do the “Journal Cancellation” thing? I’m just the IT guy, not the accountant but of course, “I” am the one that is supposed to know how to fix all of this LOL.


Yessir, I do. But we have since found that we have something “out of balance” looking at the Review Journal which I never knew about but we know “why” it is not posting now but we can’t figure out what caused it to start with. We have transactions posted to a job AFTER the job was closed and that seems to have caused the imbalance.

Journal Cancellation just pushes the transactions back so they are available to be posted in the future. You or your accountant will need to run the Inventory/WIP Recon report to identify what is out of balance. You might be able to see what’s out of balance in the Review Journal also.

Once you see which transaction isn’t balanced, you will need to check GL Controls to see if an account context is not filled in. For example if it’s a MFG-VAR transaction you will need to check the WIP Material, WIP Labor, WIP Burden, WIP Subcontract, WIP Mtl Burden, Material Variance, Labor Variance, etc. account contexts on the Product Group GL Control and the Company Inventory, COS and WIP control to make sure everything is filled in. There is a Transaction Hierarchy Reference Guide on EpicWeb that will show you the transaction type code and which control contexts it will use.

Edit to add: It is the “Kinetic Inventory Transaction Hierarchy Guide” in EpicWeb under Documentation > Technical Reference Guides.



We found the issue, there’s a transaction that has a credit but no debit to balance it that got created when someone tried to “back out” of something. We can’t figure out any way to reverse/fix it though. Any idea?

What is the transaction type that’s causing the imbalance?

Usually is cause by missing code GL setting.

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Here is the issue (Highlighted):

Here is the issue (hightlighted):

What was in the review journal?

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It appears that the issue is related to the transaction resulting in the Credits to the WIP accounts. I see the Debits to WIP accounts as being offset by Credit to Cost of Returns. It looks like the material passed through Inspection and was put on a Job and then removed from the Job and returned.



You need to set up a GL Control for the Cost of Returns in GL Control Code Maintenance. See below screenshot.


Yup is why I said was most likely missing GL Control Code… This is generally the cause as a missing code will not allow the transactions to balance.

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Is this not what you are referring to? Ours appears to be setup correctly, yes???

Hmm. That IS what I was talking about. Usually a missing GL like @CSmith said is the culprit. Can you run the Inventory WIP Recon for the Job in question. Based on the screenshot above I am not seeing any Shipping or Inventory Trans. Maybe one of these is driving the issue?

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Here is the whole thing (posted and unposted transactions)


What was in the RJ? That will/would have told you where to look for the missing GL code. Should be part of same transaction set somewhere hard to know where to look, but lots of times ours are because someone decided to create a new FREIGHT or SURCHARGE misc code and does not know that they must be accompanied by a GL code to balance the transactions.