Capture COS/WIP Activity Runtime

We were having the same issue.  Following is the documentation I received from Epicor support:




GL > setup > GL Transaction type

Search/Select COSandWIP tran type


New > new revision > copy from existing (whichever revision is your current active) The new revision will appear at the bottom of the tree view, and will be in Draft status Revisions > book > detail tab Change summariziation to "Summarize"


Revisions > Revision Detail Tab > choose Active from the Status Dropdown When it finishes, Save


The capture will now post in summarized format, as it did in version 8.x and prior





We are in the process of testing this out in our test environment this afternoon with the hopes of a shorter processing time. 

Hope this helps you!





Since we upgraded to Epicor 9 15 months ago, we have experienced an increase in the Capture COS/WIP Activity Runtime as compared to Vantage 8.03.

In V 8.03, it took anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes to capture for all of our companies in the database.

In E9, it takes 90 minutes to 2 hours if we keep the 'blocks in db buffers' setting around 200,000 block or lower.

I have discovered that the higher this setting, the longer the Capture takes which is a different matter.

Upper management is demanding that I return it to the 20 to 30 minutes that it used to take.  I found out from Epicor that an increase was expected between the versions.  I am wondering if others on the group saw an increase in the process after they upgraded to Epicor 9.  If so, was it as drastic as ours seems to be?

We too are facing the same issue. Ours went from 2 hours in Vantage 8 to 8 hrs in Epicor 9.

Are you progress or sql?


From: tmcmullen@...
Sent: Monday, February 3, 2014 8:51 AM
Reply To:
Subject: [Vantage] Capture COS/WIP Activity Runtime


Since we upgraded to Epicor 9 15 months ago, we have experienced an increase in the Capture COS/WIP Activity Runtime as compared to Vantage 8.03.

In V 8.03, it took anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes to capture for all of our companies in the database.

In E9, it takes 90 minutes to 2 hours if we keep the 'blocks in db buffers' setting around 200,000 block or lower.

I have discovered that the higher this setting, the longer the Capture takes which is a different matter.

Upper management is demanding that I return it to the 20 to 30 minutes that it used to take.  I found out from Epicor that an increase was expected between the versions.  I am wondering if others on the group saw an increase in the process after they upgraded to Epicor 9.  If so, was it as drastic as ours seems to be?

We are Progress.

Travis L. McMullen
ERP Specialist
ComSonics, Inc.
Harrisonburg, VA  22801
Phone: 540-434-5965 x1274
Toll Free: 1-800-336-9681 x1274
Mobile: 540-435-1920
Fax: 540-434-9847
E-Mail: tmcmullen@...

On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 12:18 PM, Jose Ortega <jortega@...> wrote:


We too are facing the same issue. Ours went from 2 hours in Vantage 8 to 8 hrs in Epicor 9.

Are you progress or sql?


Sent: Monday, February 3, 2014 8:51 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Capture COS/WIP Activity Runtime


Since we upgraded to Epicor 9 15 months ago, we have experienced an increase in the Capture COS/WIP Activity Runtime as compared to Vantage 8.03.

In V 8.03, it took anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes to capture for all of our companies in the database.

In E9, it takes 90 minutes to 2 hours if we keep the 'blocks in db buffers' setting around 200,000 block or lower.

I have discovered that the higher this setting, the longer the Capture takes which is a different matter.

Upper management is demanding that I return it to the 20 to 30 minutes that it used to take.  I found out from Epicor that an increase was expected between the versions.  I am wondering if others on the group saw an increase in the process after they upgraded to Epicor 9.  If so, was it as drastic as ours seems to be?


<div style="color:#fff;min-height:0;"></div>

What version of E9 are you on?  There were so many issues with so many patch levels that I bet most people reading this would not know how to answer your question.


Supposedly speed issues were solve to some extent on patch level 700.  But I have no idea if that worked with MRP or not. 


Devil is in the details….












From: [] On Behalf Of tmcmullen@...
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2014 10:54 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Capture COS/WIP Activity Runtime



Since we upgraded to Epicor 9 15 months ago, we have experienced an increase in the Capture COS/WIP Activity Runtime as compared to Vantage 8.03.


In V 8.03, it took anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes to capture for all of our companies in the database.


In E9, it takes 90 minutes to 2 hours if we keep the 'blocks in db buffers' setting around 200,000 block or lower.


I have discovered that the higher this setting, the longer the Capture takes which is a different matter.


Upper management is demanding that I return it to the 20 to 30 minutes that it used to take.  I found out from Epicor that an increase was expected between the versions.  I am wondering if others on the group saw an increase in the process after they upgraded to Epicor 9.  If so, was it as drastic as ours seems to be?

We are currently on 700A.  We are going to start testing 702 this week.  Support keeps telling me that the Capture process should be faster in 702.

Travis L. McMullen
ERP Specialist
ComSonics, Inc.
Harrisonburg, VA  22801
Phone: 540-434-5965 x1274
Toll Free: 1-800-336-9681 x1274
Mobile: 540-435-1920
Fax: 540-434-9847
E-Mail: tmcmullen@...

On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 9:05 PM, Manasa Reddy <mreddy@…> wrote:


What version of E9 are you on?  There were so many issues with so many patch levels that I bet most people reading this would not know how to answer your question.


Supposedly speed issues were solve to some extent on patch level 700.  But I have no idea if that worked with MRP or not. 


Devil is in the details….












From: [] On Behalf Of tmcmullen@...
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2014 10:54 AM

Subject: [Vantage] Capture COS/WIP Activity Runtime



Since we upgraded to Epicor 9 15 months ago, we have experienced an increase in the Capture COS/WIP Activity Runtime as compared to Vantage 8.03.


In V 8.03, it took anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes to capture for all of our companies in the database.


In E9, it takes 90 minutes to 2 hours if we keep the 'blocks in db buffers' setting around 200,000 block or lower.


I have discovered that the higher this setting, the longer the Capture takes which is a different matter.


Upper management is demanding that I return it to the 20 to 30 minutes that it used to take.  I found out from Epicor that an increase was expected between the versions.  I am wondering if others on the group saw an increase in the process after they upgraded to Epicor 9.  If so, was it as drastic as ours seems to be?


<div style="color:#fff;min-height:0;"></div>

If you are lucky enough to have a separate server to do testing…then do it!!!!


There are times when tech support is actually right….go figure!













From: [] On Behalf Of McMullen, Travis
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 8:01 AM
Subject: Re: [Vantage] Capture COS/WIP Activity Runtime



We are currently on 700A.  We are going to start testing 702 this week.  Support keeps telling me that the Capture process should be faster in 702.

Travis L. McMullen
ERP Specialist
ComSonics, Inc.
Harrisonburg, VA  22801
Phone: 540-434-5965 x1274
Toll Free: 1-800-336-9681 x1274
Mobile: 540-435-1920
Fax: 540-434-9847
E-Mail: tmcmullen@...


On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 9:05 PM, Manasa Reddy <mreddy@...> wrote:


What version of E9 are you on?  There were so many issues with so many patch levels that I bet most people reading this would not know how to answer your question.


Supposedly speed issues were solve to some extent on patch level 700.  But I have no idea if that worked with MRP or not. 


Devil is in the details….












From: [] On Behalf Of tmcmullen@...
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2014 10:54 AM

Subject: [Vantage] Capture COS/WIP Activity Runtime



Since we upgraded to Epicor 9 15 months ago, we have experienced an increase in the Capture COS/WIP Activity Runtime as compared to Vantage 8.03.


In V 8.03, it took anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes to capture for all of our companies in the database.


In E9, it takes 90 minutes to 2 hours if we keep the 'blocks in db buffers' setting around 200,000 block or lower.


I have discovered that the higher this setting, the longer the Capture takes which is a different matter.


Upper management is demanding that I return it to the 20 to 30 minutes that it used to take.  I found out from Epicor that an increase was expected between the versions.  I am wondering if others on the group saw an increase in the process after they upgraded to Epicor 9.  If so, was it as drastic as ours seems to be?


Hi Travis,

We experienced the same issue with the WIP Capture function when we upgraded from Vantage to Epicor 905 701. What I did was set up a task schedule to run WIP Capture every Friday evening at 6:30 PM. We've been running running WIP Capture this way for about a year now and it's been working fine for us.



We were having the same problem, and we were told the posting rules were automatically set to detail when you load version 9. They suggested we change our setting back to summary. That might be what's happening for you. It posts a line for every transaction instead of one line for each GL debit or credit. That makes more records in the GL tables, which slows things down. Since the detail is pretty much useless we decided to go back to the summary. I don't remember the steps off hand, but support should be able to help if you want to try that. I can search my e-mails for the instructions if support can't help you.