We welcome any thoughts people have on the following condition. Epicor told us to reboot the servers. We have doubts that will resolve it but have scheduled the downtime to try anyway.
The condition:
We had to restart E10 while someone was running Capture COS. Now when that user tries to run it again, an error is generated that looks like this “Program Ice.Services.Lib.RunTask raised an unexpected exception with the following message: RunTask: The COSAndWIP:::::: is locked by xxxx” where xxxx is the user name.
We tried running conversion 1190 but get and error
“Program Ice.Services.Lib.RunTask raised an unexpected exception with the following message: RunTask: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Stack Trace:
at Erp.Internal.GL.RemoveOrphanRvLock.convertData() in c:_Releases\ERP\RL10.1.500\Source\Server\Internal\GL\RemoveOrphanRvLock”
Try running this against your SQL DB: this is to see if there are locked records. Change Company Name
DECLARE @p__linq__0 NVARCHAR(4000)
, @p__linq__1 NVARCHAR(4000)
, @p__linq__2 NVARCHAR(4000)
, @p__linq__3 NVARCHAR(4000)
, @p__linq__4 NVARCHAR(4000)
, @p__linq__5 NVARCHAR(4000)
, @p__linq__6 NVARCHAR(4000)
, @p__linq__7 NVARCHAR(4000)
SET @p__linq__0 = N’TWG-OK’ – change this!
SET @p__linq__1 = N’COSAndWIP’
SET @p__linq__2 = N’’
SET @p__linq__3 = N’’
SET @p__linq__4 = N’’
SET @p__linq__5 = N’’
SET @p__linq__6 = N’’
SET @p__linq__7 = N’’
[Extent1].[Company] AS [Company]
, [Extent1].[RelatedToFile] AS [RelatedToFile]
, [Extent1].[Key1] AS [Key1]
, [Extent1].[Key2] AS [Key2]
, [Extent1].[Key3] AS [Key3]
, [Extent1].[Key4] AS [Key4]
, [Extent1].[Key5] AS [Key5]
, [Extent1].[Key6] AS [Key6]
, [Extent1].[LockDate] AS [LockDate]
, [Extent1].[LockTime] AS [LockTime]
, [Extent1].[LockedBy] AS [LockedBy]
, [Extent1].[RvJrnUID] AS [RvJrnUID]
, [Extent1].[LockStatus] AS [LockStatus]
, [Extent1].[ABTUID] AS [ABTUID]
, [Extent1].[GlbABTUID] AS [GlbABTUID]
, [Extent1].[SysRevID] AS [SysRevID]
, [Extent1].[SysRowID] AS [SysRowID]
FROM [Erp].[RvLock] AS [Extent1]
WHERE ( [Extent1].[Company] = @p__linq__0 )
AND ( @p__linq__0 IS NOT NULL )
AND ( [Extent1].[RelatedToFile] = @p__linq__1 )
AND ( @p__linq__1 IS NOT NULL )
AND ( [Extent1].[Key1] = @p__linq__2 )
AND ( @p__linq__2 IS NOT NULL )
AND ( [Extent1].[Key2] = @p__linq__3 )
AND ( @p__linq__3 IS NOT NULL )
AND ( [Extent1].[Key3] = @p__linq__4 )
AND ( @p__linq__4 IS NOT NULL )
AND ( [Extent1].[Key4] = @p__linq__5 )
AND ( @p__linq__5 IS NOT NULL )
AND ( [Extent1].[Key5] = @p__linq__6 )
AND ( @p__linq__6 IS NOT NULL )
AND ( [Extent1].[Key6] = @p__linq__7 )
AND ( @p__linq__7 IS NOT NULL )
We found the problem. Thank you all for advice. It turned out to be a problem on the accounting side. There was a locked transaction. To resolve, they had to modify the standard posting rule for COSAndWIP for Labor Detail so indirect Labor and Burden costs do not post. Then, they created an AR Clearing account (which was absent but should’ve been there) for the Inventory COS and WIP GL Control code. Next, they canceled the locked transaction. Lastly, we ran conversion 1190 and it worked!