Capability ProductionFactor and SetupFactor

Looking for quick clarification, if we have a capability where resource 1 is running at 20 parts per hour and resource 2 is running at 10 parts per hour, would we make the Production Factor of resource 2 set to 0.5 or 2.0?


It sounds like the MOM is set up as running at 20 parts per hour. So, if that is correct, you would want to set it to 0.5.

But, is this true for every Job? Is resource 2 half speed for every operation that goes through it? If not, this setup will always halve the run time. Something to keep in mind.

We have a part family that runs across a few resources that has a consistently different production standard based on where it’s running. We were planning on creating a unique capability to address these efficiency factors. The others would go through the standard capability that does not have a modified efficiency factor.

Thanks for the help!

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Smart solution! I will have to remember that for later.