I have a bunch of staff who I want linked person contacts across two companies… 56 of them.
I have DMT’ed them all in, made them Global in one and can manually link to them in the other.
But when I try to do this via DMT, the links dont get made:
My Person Contact Global Link csv looks like this (one data row shown):
Adriaan’s primary company is KinDev, and he’s global there, perConID 916.
I’m wanting to link the secondary Adriaan Greyling in th KUSADev company with perconID there 1110.
DMT runs without errors, and I have insert and update checked.
Afterwards I check in the Person Contacts in KUSADev, Link Contacts… and he’s not linked:
Am I missing a column or something to force the link to happen?
I really don’t want to have to manually do these links again when we do the data migration for our pilot database.
We gave up on global contacts even when we got them perfect there is some bug that just creates a new contact in the child company rather than updating it.
I split the person contact links import csv in two; one for linking KNZ global contacts into KUSA, and one for vice versa.
Then when I ran the DMT I also set the target company in the DMT itself (double click on the company below to choose which), not sure if this is necessary or not, or which of my two changes made it work. But, success. I had assumed it was company agnostic and that that was what the company column in the csv was for.
(In the below I had manually linked 26 records already, but 2 new ones were successfully linked, 28 records processed)
I’m still not clear on exactly what setting the company in DMT UI does. Filter out company records not related to the current company from any csv imports perhaps?