Can't preview custom Kinetic MES layer

I can get to the MES page fine, but when I try to preview my layer I get the error “Application PR000440 is not accessible”

I checked the menu item and I have access to it. Anyone run in to this?

I think I might have found the issue. Two system menu’s have the same parent menu and the same order sequence. PR000181 and PR000440 have the order sequence 1960. Strange. I’ve opened a ticket

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I get this all the time just with regular menus.

We had an EpiCare case a while back where they identified lots of hidden menu items for modules that might not be licensed, and the order sequence num was indeed duplicated for several in the same parent menu. Just because we can’t see it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist in Epicor’s mind. That would be a bug that should be fixed, IMHO.