Can't get EpiNumericEditor to display an integer. V10.1.400.18

Anyone else having problems getting an EpiNumericEditor to display an integer when bound to a UDXX.NumberXX field. I’ve changed the MaskInput, NumericType, and even the UseAppStyling properties with no luck. I searched the forum and did not find anything.

Looks like setting the properties during the form load event is working. Strange.

The most consistent results I’ve had is to use the wizard to set the extended property to >>>>>9 or >>9 depending on your expended values etc. You can avoid having to do anything in form load event if you don’t need it.


I tried that earlier and could not get it to work. In Extended Properties I changed the Business Type to Quantity, the format to >>>9 and the Label to “Qty”. It still displays a decimal number. Do I need to regenerate the data model after making these changes or am I missing something?


No data model regeneration needed. I’m not near my workstation at the moment, I can send some screen shots later.

I think @rbucek wants you to use the Wizard in the Customization like this

Yes, thanks @josecgomez.trigemco

Excellent. Thanks guys.

Any thoughts on how to do this in a Dashboard Tracker Customization? There is no Customization Wizard.


Bill Short