Can't find file error

Anyone know why when a user runs a report the user gets an error message the Could not find file. It is pointed to a local path on the users PC and looking for a temp file. Any thoughts why it would not be writing the report? I have verified permissions.

Has anyone seen this error when trying to print a Time Phase report or other reports. Epicor told me to delete the tmp file. We had already done that and still get error.

is is the full sting of error.

Hi Kimberley,

I have not seen an error during report print dealing with a temp file.

A few thoughts/details:
Are you using Crystal reports?
Is the xml file getting generated on the server in this user’s folder at time of print?
Is the report showing complete in history tasks in their system monitor / or your system monitor, show all users tasks?
Does the report have any embedded type of object in it? We have graphic file (logo) hyperlinked on our reports; if this is missing we have problem.


I know you checked permissions, but we have found that it can also be ownership of the Epicor directory.

We run as a general cleanup for old dlls, etc. a batch file that removes the ProgramData\Epicor directory. If the directory doesn’t go away then an administrator has to remove it. Then the user creates the directory when Epicor opens.

rd /S /Q c:\ProgramData\Epicor

Usually the tmp file is too big, check the pagesys file and increase it.

Ok i will check this

Does it remove the all the folders below Epicor? I had only delete the temp file.

If you have them log out, the ProgramData\Epicor directory can be deleted. Once the person logs in again, the structure will be recreated.

Temp files to clean up.

Clean Client Cache
Disk Cleanup

I have only had that problem 3 or 4 times. It is usually because the xml file is large. The XML is probably still in the \Server\EpicorData\Reports\USerName, you can see how big that file is there. Could be coincidence, but I have solved my issues by increasing the pagesys file.

Yes, it deletes all folders from Epicor on. This can cure a lot of small issues. I have some users that run this weekly.

Make sure they are out of Epicor first.

I’ve run into this issue intermittently when printing. Please verify if this works.