Cannot delete record in UD Child Table screen customization

On the Supplier Master screen I have added UD22 table as a child using the wizard and linked the UD22View to the EpiBinding on an EpiUltraGrid. I can Add New UD22 records and I can Edit UD22 records through the Supplier Master screen but I cannot Delete records. When I select an UD22 record and click on the red “X” to delete nothing happens, not even an error.

To add this customization I used the EpicorERMCustomization_UserGuide_102600.pdf and followed the pages 525-535 on the User-Defined (UD) Table Add/Edit/Delete Functionality Wizard. I have repeated this process serval times with the same effect.
I’m not sure if I’m not doing something correctly or if these instructions are not complete. I do not know enough about C# to understand what is missing from the added code.

We are on Epicor release 10.2.600

Attached is the code that was generated from the wizard
UD22 Child Table.txt (14.0 KB)

I have now learned that using the Delete key on the keyboard works but not the red “X” on the tool bar.

You need to implement most of those functions yourself - or - modify the Boilerplate the Wizard generated, usually it is a starting point.

	private void JobEntryForm_AfterToolClickForUD03(object sender, Ice.Lib.Framework.AfterToolClickEventArgs args)
		switch (args.Tool.Key)
			case "DeleteTool":
				if (args.Cancelled == false && this.oTrans.LastView.ViewName == "UD03View")

Ok, this is probably beyond I am able to figure out myself then at this time.

When I was looking at this part of the code it seemed to me that the Delete Tool was added with the Wizard, guess not.

	private void VendorForm_AfterToolClickForUD22(object sender, Ice.Lib.Framework.AfterToolClickEventArgs args)
	// EpiMessageBox.Show(args.Tool.Key);
	switch (args.Tool.Key)
		case "DeleteTool":
			if ((args.Cancelled == false))

I think the wizard generated code just deletes the UD Child record(s) when the Parent is deleted.

Did you make any progress on this? I have a similar project and am finding it trickier than I thought… The wizard code is a great starting point but definitely lacking some important features.

Found the answer to my issue in this post: UD Child Table Record Delete User Confirmation - ERP 10 - Epicor User Help Forum (