Cannot close job. Transaction status E - capture already ran

Cannot close job. Transaction status E - capture already ran

Found the problem but i’m not sure how I can fix it. One of these Conversion should have worked but the job number is not listed. User is currently logged in.



Check Time and Expense entry for that user on that date. If the entry doesn’t come up in the conversions you ran, then they are no longer Active, but have not been marked as Approved. I think you should be able to approve or delete the Entered labor entry even if the others have been posted.

The Entered entry is there in the tree view. Check the Time > Daily Time > Detail > List tab to make sure you have that entry selected. Since the header is marked as Partial Posted, it should let you edit the Entered detail.


Deleting the record lets me close it. I guess thats fine?

If the record was never submitted in the first place, then it wouldn’t have flowed to inventory, costing, payroll, etc. so deleting should be fine – it would be in my company. I would double check with Payroll and Finance just so they’re aware, but you should be good to go.

Should be fine with only 0.02 hours. Thanks!