Can you import BAQ's into an Epicor Multi-Tenant Saas environment

I would assume you can, but I’ve learned never to assume anything relative to limitations in SaaS versus on-prem.

Thanks in advance

MT-SaaS vs. Public Cloud SaaS vs. ST SaaS vs. on-prem

Each has different limitations. MT-SaaS might not load a BAQ with Cross-Company or All Companies access but the others should have no issues. MT-SaaS might also be limited in how UBAQs are handled as well since you cannot do C# in MT-SaaS, or not easily anyway.

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MT SaaS victim here - yes you can import/export BAQ’s - provided they don’t have anything you do not have access to (free form c#)


So are you saying MT-SaaS does not allow BAQ’s to pull from multiple companies that you are hosting?

When you say ‘Public Cloud SaaS’, are you referring to what Epicor calls ‘dedicated tenency’, ie, your own database, but common app servers and sql servers

Excellent question Mark. I’m not sure if MT is prohibited from Multi-Company but by default you cannot access other companies that THEY (Epicor) are hosting. This is a big reason why you cannot do your own C# code in MT - because DB Context gives access to the whole database. You can submit C# code to Epicor and, after a review, they may install it for you but it’s an extra step that Public Cloud users do not have to go through.

I have a feeling that the reason that MT was designed the way it was has to do with the amount of manual labor it took to support it. If you put all the companies into one database and keep the software version the same then you can do multiple companies in a single upgrade. In this new era of automation and utility computing, this really goes away. There’s really no good reason to not give each company its own database anymore if you’re using automation instead of manual efforts.

There’s a lot of code and restrictions in MT that really makes using ERP 10 a second-class product. The sooner Epicor can eliminate MT, the sooner they can stop maintaining all that extra code and concentrate on making SaaS and private cloud a better product - IMHO.

Public Cloud is Dedicated Tenancy in Azure. Dedicated Tenancy existed in a service like RackSpace or Cyrus One but when it moved into Azure, they rebranded it as Public Cloud.

And just a nit, In Dedicated Tenancy you have shared SQL Server and IIS server but the app servers are still unique to the customer. They would not be able to offer the Flex upgrade schedule otherwise. I imagine that you also need your own app servers to map a security link from IIS to SQL.

Good questions.

Mark W.