Can you call a BPM Data Form starting with a Function? More details inside

Hey Epi Users,

I have run into an interesting conundrum. I know there are a few other ways to accomplish my end goal, but I have a question regarding calling (showing) a BPM Data Form starting with a REST function call (classic UI for right now, eventually kinetic UI button → function).

I know that BPM Data Forms are called through Method Directives-- so hear me out:

I wanted to add a button to Part Entry form, (classic and kinetic), that will call a function (so that it will work in kinetic UI), which will in turn trigger a method directive that shows a BPM Data Form (really multiple BPM data forms thru a process of conditions and user input).

Sounds easy at first, and I successfully called my function from the button-- and verified that the function IS running (it basically creates a UD39 row which triggers my UD39.Update method directive), but the BPM Data Form does not show on my client end. I suspect that the client / session link is getting lost in the REST Function call and therefore the BPM Data Form cannot be shown, unless there is some way to link the REST call and the client session.

I understand that I can move my work just to a method directive and not call a function, but my curiosity demands that I ensure the path of starting with a function call is not doable.

Is there any way to accomplish the task of showing a BPM data form when kicked off from a REST Function call that triggers a Method Directive?
