Can uBAQs update across companies in Kinetic?

Hi all,

I’ve been working on converting some of our Classic dashboards to Kinetic apps.

We have one dash built around a uBAQ which was intended to let finance modify Customer credit holds and limits from any Company. (We have a BPM solution that requires new customers to be created in one parent company, and they are then linked via the global customer process.)

I got the Kinetic app working perfectly, with help from you all, except for the fact that it won’t Update anything cross-company. Current company works fine. It throws this error when you try cross-company:

Description: Customer not available
Program: Erp.Services.BO.Customer.dll
Method: GetCustomerTerritory

I approached Support about this, and they told me “this was previously reported under [a Problem], development reviewed and unfortunately it was canceled because “The current scenario is not supported”. So unfortunately you cannot update records across another company in the Kinetic dashboards.”

Does that sound right? I do see a suggestion in another thread to examine queryResultDataset as xml, but support appears to be saying definitively that cross-company is no-go in Kinetic.

The only way I was able to get records to update cross company is to schedule a function to run from the other company that queries records for a specific condition in the first company, and then update within the current company context. I don’t know if there is another way to do it.

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