Can someone explain Supplier Price List functionality?

We are not new to Epicor scheduling. We are challenged with getting the information from supplier price list to populate MRP-created jobs. No matter how we tinker with Supplier Price List, we are getting inconsistent results (the method-master sometimes overrides supplier price list, sometimes it does not). Date ranges don’t seem to have an effect.

Can anyone out there help understand the proper way to populate this file so it works correctly every time?

Thanks in advance.

Are you talking about subcontract pricing or purchasing parts?

Subcontract pricing AND Days Out (lead times). It is the lead time that is problematic, haven’t even gotten to verify pricing yet.

Here is a screenshot, I have had to mask the part number on this due to our information security guidelines. The part numbers do match. Top of view is the MRP created job, bottom of view is the Supplier Price List entry that I want to have applied to MRP-created jobs.

Do you have price breaks on that record in the price list?

No. We created these entries yesterday.

It’s been a while since I worked with the SPL and I remember there being some bugs on how it actually works vs. how it is supposed to work.

Is the lead time on the part site record 6 days?

Part site record doesn’t mean anything to me. Normally what we see is the lead time and pricing on unfirm jobs comes from the method, unless there is a corresponding supplier price list entry for the part number, operation description and supplier in the date range. Then, the supplier price list entries are what populates the unfirm job.

So, is the 6 days lead time on the method? Also, is the $0.10 on the method?

I noticed there is no price on the SPL. That might be what is causing the issue.

Hi Gil,

As John mentioned, part of the issue with price is, you need to have the price on the base price field. (BaseUnitPrice)

Another thing, the Leadtime field can be misleading, since its hitting 2 completely different DB field.

On the SPL its (VendPart.LeadTime). on the part plant(site) its (PartPlant.LeadTime). Generally you would want both Leadtime to be the same.

GREAT info. I will populate pricing and re-test tonight.

I shall update our findings here tomorrow.

Here is the hierarchy that Epicor uses to determine PO Suggestion lead-time:
• Supplier Price List (if the price list is valid and it’s Lead Time is zero then the suggestion lead time will be zero)
• Part Class Lead Time
• Part Plant Lead Time

Also check RECEIVE TIME in the PartClass; easy to overlook and could potentially impact large groups of parts.

-What helped us explain our variances in suggestions were old supplier price lists without an expiration and that had “0” for lead time. A quick query and DMT can reveal and fix the offending Erp.VendPart.ExpirationDate and Erp.VendPart.LeadTime.


Well, adding a unit price did NOT make MRP use the Supplier Price List information.

Something else is going on here, and I cannot figure it out.

Open up a ticket. It may be a bug.

Screen below shows - MRP newly created job (on right), method master (on left), supplier price list entry (on bottom).

Clearly the system is not getting the data from supplier price list.

Screenshot shows Effective date in the future.

The operation date is scheduled for that time frame, but I can modify that as well.

Are you certain this is the cause?

I’m going down this same rabbit hole. Has anyone ever found a definitive answer to what dictates the PO Suggestions?

@mc9306 What is the issue you are having? pricing or lead days? Both can be cranky. Some of this thread is different than what I have experienced. I would suggest getting the Epicor1X_techrefMaterialRequirementsPlanning_xxxx from EpicWeb for your version to go over some examples. This will take some effort as how you are setup plays a lot into this.
In site maintenance are the main variables that play into lead time. Don’t set the time as midnight as that has had issues in some versions.

Hey gpayne, thanks for the info. We are running into part suggestions lead time inconsistencies. According to our buyers, some parts will use our “cold start” lead time and other will use the price list lead time and we can’t pin down the reasoning. We’ve specified that the suppliers are selected as “Primary” and “Approved”, validated that its not just for future effective dates, and that it doesn’t just effect mats with $0.00 as the price. All of this is second hand information from a relatively new buying team so I could be getting bad info. I’ll chase down the techrematerialrequirementsplanning doc. Thanks again for this lead and any others!