Can I hard code the options into an EpiUltraCombo Box? If not, then help with it?

I am trying to create a drop-down selection list for a UD field I created in table FSCallHd called Hold_c.
I would like the list to contain 8 options, with the 1st option pre-selected.
Is there a way to hard code it? Or will I have to use a UD table to hold my values?

I have been playing with the UD table route but can’t seem to get the list to populate.
I did a simple search wizard, then the Form event wizard, event type: load.
I then copied the simple search command ‘SearchOnUD02AdapterFillDropDown()’ to the Load method.

Saved, logged out, logged in. Opened form, it populated the 1st option in the drop-down. Click the arrow and there is nothing but a black rectangle below.

I am sure it is something I have yet to grasp. Is there anyone out here who can shed light on this for me?

I appreciate any and all help I get on this forum. It has been the best place I have found for Epicor issues.

Use User Codes functionality then you don’t have to hard code anything or waste one of your UD tables.


I would suggest maybe looking into User Defined Codes to create your hard-coded drop-down lists for a Custom UD field so that these hard-coded lists are stored all in one central location where they can easily be maintained (fields added, modified, and deleted). Especially if you might used these hard-coded drop-down lists on more than one Custom form.

1.) Create a Code Type ID in the User Defined Codes Maintenance Form.
(User Codes can be found in System Setup – System Maintenance – User Codes)


2.) Add list of CodeIDs and Descriptions. (All the items you want in your drop-down list.)


3.) Open the Table_UD Table in the Extended Property Maintenance Form to attach the UDCodes from the newly created UDCodeType to the (for example) Character01 field.
(Extended Property Maintenance can be found under System Setup – System Maintenance – Extended Properties)


4.) Open up your Form Customization and make sure the control field that you want to use to point to the UDCodeType is an EpiCombo in the Type field and make sure Table.Character01 is in the EpiBinding field. Run the Customized form and hopefully you will see your UDCodes list from the newly created UD Code Type.


I hope these instructions aren’t too confusing and weren’t overkill… :blush:
I had already written up similar instructions for my co-workers.

More (and MUCH BETTER) info on UD Codes can be found in the Epicor ERP Customization User Guide 10.1.600 on EpicWeb…(I’d recommend looking into the Extended Property Maintenance possibilities too cause, among many other things, you can also link BAQ results to a UD field here too which is kind of cool. :sunglasses:)


Not to sound too needy :roll_eyes:.
How would you go about having a default for the combobox and how would I get it to write the description to the UD field, not the code?
Is that even possible or just getting too out there?I know my users and a 10 character description will kill them, lol. :scream:
Thank you again for your help. I am nearly there!!!

Leave the description in the user code store the code in the field then just do a join where you need it.

Here is my UDField/UserCode Field Settings and I see only the Descriptions in my drop-down list:

As far as defaulting the value I’m assuming a BPM Post-Process on the GetNew Record Method but that’s where, sadly, it gets kind of gray and hazy for me… :

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As others have stated, UD fields are probably the best solution.

In some cases I have used static values by editing the combo properties

  • uncheck RetreiveOnActivate
  • edit the EpiStaticDataList
  • set your UD field in EpiBinding


I have an EpiUltraCombo box set up in a UI and I want to Manually add options into that based on the current datetime. I specifically am capturing the current year and want to fill the combo box upon Intitialization with the last 10 years. How can I manually add items to a combobox in the UI?

You can use a UD method to supply the list of items. Any UD method that supplies a list separated by ~ characters can be used by a dynamic list. You would just make a UD method that returns the last 10 years, with each year separated by a ~