Can Epicor link lower level subassembly serial numbers to top level?

This seems like it should be base functionality. Let’s say we have a top level part, serial number tracked, which has a job for 2 pieces. This part has two lower level parts, which are also serial number tracked. If the job is for 2 pieces, how does Epicor know which lower level serial number is consumed into which upper level serial number?

I can’t seem to find any way to make this work. Is a single piece job the only way to do this?

Yes, it is controlled on the MOM. You can either have the serial roll up, or create new. Some people use the serial number from the lowest level assembly or material and apply that to every level up to the 0. Some assign a new unique serial number at each assembly. It can handle both.

I’ve looked at the MOM…all I see is “Reassign Serial Number to Assembly”, which is grayed out. I don’t think I want to reassign the serial numbers anyway.

If an assembler is putting two parts together that each have serial numbers and it then becomes one serial number, I’m still not sure how to track that in Epicor (let alone associate them).

You need to have Full Lower Level Serial tracking turned on
The top level part needs to be set to Generate Serial numbers
When lower level parts are pulled into a job they are linked to the top level part

If you look at the serial number tracker there is a tab for lower level serial tracking which is where the results will show up once configured correctly

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I know this is an older post, but I just ran across it. You need to find the Serial Match screen in Epicor. This is the place where you assign the lower level serial numbers to the upper level and gives you true traceability. It’s what will allow you to have a job with multiple serial tracked top level assemblies that has multiple serial tracked lower assemblies and link the lower serial that was used on the upper serial.

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