Can an embedded updatable dashboard subscribe to the parent's form data?

I have a “proof of concept” updatable dashboard on a custom tab in Order Entry - Line. I’d like this dashboard to subscribe to the current SO and Line numbers. Currently it’s setup to have the user enter this data but I’m not happy with that and the users won’t be either.

The read-only version of this dashboard already subscribes to the SO# but the updateable version does not. I’ve looked at threads here but I’m not seeing this addressed so no idea if it’s possible.

Is there a way to pass the sales order number via code to the dashboard?

I know in classic you can add a dashboard as an “Appbuilder Panel” via the Sheet Wizard. Those can subscribe to the parent form. You can also include the dashboard toolbar which will let you save updates. It’s a little weird in that the dashboard has a separate save and refresh button from the parent, but it hasn’t been an issue in the couple times I’ve pushed a UDB into a form.

No idea about the web UI.

Yeah, I got the dashboard updatable via using the “Appbuilder” option point to the published menu ID. It’s the subscription part that isn’t working. The non-updatable version on a separate tab does subscribe however.

What’s the method to do the subscription to the updatable dashboard?

Any EpiBinding experts? I found this in the ICE Tools and was trying to use [EpiBinding:OrderHed.OrderNum] instead of [EpiBinding:OrderHed.CustomerCustID].

[EpiBinding:OrderHed.OrderNum] throws an error when I analyze but oddly as the document shows {EpiBinding:OrderHed.CustomerCustID] does not throw an error.

Hi Randy
Are you able to make this one work?
If you did, please share the steps how to do that.

Sadly no I did not had to go with a Classic form customization. I was trying to avoid it for future Kinetic UI upgrade but :man_shrugging:

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