Can a separate Epicor installation/environment be setup on the same machine

We are planning an upgrade from 10.2.300.41 to 10.2.700.Latest. I copied our current live database to a test server and went through the upgrade steps and now would like users to access this upgraded server to do some testing. We have a very limited number of Remote Desktop licenses, so I am looking at a way for them to connect with a “standard” Epicor setup. Is there a way to set up a separate Epicor install/environment for them to access the Test Server without interfering with their current Epicor environment? Or maybe does someone have a better idea of how to accomplish this?

You could install the client for 10.2.700 on whatever server the RD users use for 10.2.300. That would still be just one remote connection (user PC to the RD Server), but could run either client (the one for 10.2.300 or the one for 10.2.700)

Thank you @ckrusen for the reply. My apologies. I may not quite understand or I may not have been real clear on my request here. I have a test server that was setup for an Epicor environment that I have upgraded on. This server only has licensing for 3 RDP connections, and I have about 10 users that I want to do some testing on it. I could possibly stagger their times to access if I wanted them to use RDP, but I am first trying to assess if they could access the test server Epicor from their current workstation (I would assume setting up a separate client directory and shortcuts). So essentially I would like them to be able to access both the live production system (on 10.2.300.41 on one server) and the test system (on 10.2.700.9 on a different server) from their current workstation with different shortcuts, neither using RDP. And for those that see the obvious issue of ensuring integrity (knowing you are working on Live or Test), I have configured the test server with big color differences so it is apparent at all times.

Thanks again.

Is your question about having multiple clients (for different versions/ / environments) installed on the same workstation?

If so, then yes. Just install the client in a different directory on the users workstation. They could have both clients running at the same time with no interference.


Yes. OK, cool. Thanks.